Bobby sat listening to a few hipsters arguing as she poured herself the last cup of coffee of the day. She was in all honestly, ready to go back to her own office. She'd had enough of recent graduate hipsters and their strong political opinions. 

She was honestly ready to be surrounded by the slightly older, yet more dependable and less outwardly opinionated staff at Lida and Volstack. 

Now she watched the door to Tyler Most's office, waiting in anticipation for Matt to appear. She knew he was going to take a big risk in his proposal but somehow, Matt's confidence was contagious and she was certain that Tyler would say yes. 

As she moved back to the comfort of the small office, she tried not to watch the door but she couldn't help it. She was dying to know what was going on inside. 

She tried to keep herself busy, making sure that they had everything they needed and getting a head start on the final report so that they would only need to print but it seemed that time was just dragging on. 

Then, sometime around 4:40, the office doors opened and both men came out smiling and shaking hands.  

Bobby jolted up from her seat and watched through the window as Tyler turned to speak to Annie for a second before disappearing again behind his office door, then she heard the click as their door opened. 

Matt stared at her for a second as she wrung her wrists with her hands and stared back. 

"So?" She asked with an excited smile. 

"So..." He said. 

"Well, how did it go?" Bobby asked, loosing her patience. 

Matt sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 

"Oh no." Bobby said. "Don't tell me he..." 

But Matt suddenly looked up with a grin. 

"He said yes." Matt said. 

"He said yes?" Bobby asked and Matt nodded. 

"A big yes." Matt said, loosening his tie. 

"God, that's fantastic." She said, making Matt laugh as he turned to her. 

"We did it." he said, moving towards her excitedly. Bobby opened her arms and hugged him, laughing as Matt lifted her up the ground for a second. 

"You did it, Matt." She said as he set her down. 

Matt stared at Bobby- her eyes were shining and she seamed to be beaming sunshine as her pretty lips curled into a smile. 

"We- I already told you. We did it." He said. 

"Okay. We." Bobby said with a nod. Bobby stared at Matt- the same way he was staring at her, each thinking how happy the other looked and both made so much happier just by that. 

"Well, we need this typed up ASAP." He said, handing her the file, which Bobby took with a nod. "And then I was thinking we should..."

Matt's words were cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. 

"Sorry- I have to take this." He said, recognizing Lisa's number. 

"Sure. I'll be back." Bobby said, moving out of the office and walking to Annie who was prepping some papers at the printer nearby. 

"Hey, Annie." Bobby asked, making her look up with a smile. 

"What can I do for you, Bobby?" She asked. 

"I need to access the printer." Bobby began, explaining to her about the paperwork she needed. 

"Hmm, sure. Why don't you come find me when you're ready and I'll log you onto the Printer's system." She said with a smile. 

Chasing Mr. Carlton ( The story of a Shrew's Son)Where stories live. Discover now