"Mr. Most- Mr. Carlton and Ms. Darling have arrived." Annie said, signalling for them to walk in. 

Bobby entered before Matt, but kept closer to his side as they approached the large desk where Tyler Most was now standing. 

She was surprised when she saw him- he would be close to 45 now but he didn't look much older than Matt. 

"Matt Carlton- It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Tyler said, approaching him with a smile and stretching out his hand. Of course, Matt met him with the same and two greeted each other much like old friends. 

"Same- I can't believe it's taken us this long." Matt said, turning to Bobby. "My assistant, Robert Darling. You've spoken to her several times, I believe."

Tyler turned to Bobby who was standing quietly, the same seriousness she usually portrayed coming through. 

"Of course- You're Bobby." He said with a smile, taking her hand. 

"Yes." Bobby said as he shook it lightly. 

"I have to say- I was dying to meet the pleasant voice on the line that always bullies me into getting what she wants." Tyler said with a smile and making Matt chuckle. 

"That would make two of us." He said, looking over at Bobby and noticing she was blushing. 

"You two are teasing me." She said, shaking her head. "it's not fair."

Tyler nodded. 

"No, it's not. It's also not fair that you're working at Lida and Volstack when I'd love to have you here." He said and Matt shook his head. 

"Nope, she's vital to us." Matt said. 

"I know. Please, take a seat." Tyler said, pointing to the chairs by his desk. 


Eventually, Bobby was shown to a small, unoccupied office by Annie, the assistant, and she was told that she and Matt could use this office for the duration of the visit. 

Matt remained in a meeting with Tyler, while Bobby sought out to make the office a bit more comfortable and ensure they had everything they needed. She knew that because time was scarce, they would be very busy. As she logged onto her email from the computer she'd brought along, she realized there was a lot of meetings scheduled in. 

She was in the middle of making her list when Matt finally made an appearance and shut the door behind him. 

"Hey." Bobby said, looking up from the smaller desk she'd set herself up on.  "How'd it go?"

Matt sighed, moving around to get to the chair behind the larger desk. 

"He's playing hard ball." Matt said, closing his eyes for a moment. 

"We knew he would? Did you hand him the forms?" Bobby asked. 

"Yes and he handed me back some revisions." He said, holding out the folder to Bobby. 

Bobby raised her brows as she shuffled through the pages. 

"Most of this is okay... but number 8 and number 12 seem...." She began and Matt finished. 

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