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The moon goddess visited me that night. What she said terrified me. North and south, up and down, heaven or hell. My mix of traits and power allows me to decide my fate. I can't do this, my whole sanity is based on the fact that the moon goddess will be in control.

I can't do this.

When I wake up the house feels really hot. It's like an inferno in here. I smell the air and I don't think anyone is in heat, even if they were it wouldn't be this hot.

I sit up and see it's very early morning.

"Jesus fucking Christ it's supposed to be getting colder." I say and Michael groans.

"How the hell is it so hot?" He asks. Anna messages me.

"Tiffany." I say and we both run downstairs. Anna is kneeling by a limp Tiffany and I instinctively kneel by her.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"She is developing her witch side again." Anna says and I nod. Witches are supposed to be from hell, of course it would be hot.

"Can we do anything?" I ask.

"Her body is changing dramatically. We could try to make it less painful." She says. I nod. She probably collapsed from the pain.

We put our hands on her and I focus on good things, I focus on taking her pain away. After ten minutes she coughs and wakes up.

"It hurts." She whispers.

"You're going to be just fine." I say, I look Anna.

"Yes, we just need to keep you cool."

"We could use the pool?" I suggest.

"I'm on it." Michael says and the pool is filled with ice by Michael, Brandon and Shane. As we lower Tiffany into the cold water she seems to feel no pain. We see a spark and Tiffany erupts into flames. After about thirty seconds she falls next to us and seems unharmed.

"Are you ok?" I ask her. She nods and her marks appear.

"I feel different." She says she stands slowly.

"That's normal. It looks like your old marks have come instantly, even the ones taken from you." She says. Her hands travel her colourful skin and she zones out a little.

"I remember everything." She says and looks up at me. "I'm so sorry for what I did." She says. Good, she is not evil.

"It's ok, you should rest." I say and she nods.

Michael wraps his arms around me.

"You're hot when you take control." He says and kisses me.

"Oh really?" I say and kiss him.

"Yeah." He says. I hear a cough and I turn to see Shane.

"Brandon told me to tell you Ray has gone missing again." He says. I nod and he goes back to Brandon. I close my eyes.

"She's by the bird watching tower, I'll go talk to her." I say

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