This day.

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It's the day of my joining of the pack, Michael has left my house as we agreed to try to keep our situation on the down low so no one knows and if our hopes don't work we can separate more peacefully.

I walk into English and I sit in my usual place in the back.

"Welcome back girl." Ray says as I sit down.

"Hey, so how was it without me?" I ask.

"It was horribly slow and boring but what happened with you and mike? He's so weird now, happy even." She says.

"Nothing much, taught him the art of manners and the love of anime." I say and shrug, Ray raises an eyebrow and Mrs rivers and Michael come in, they sit down and we start the lesson on writing or different audiences.

As she explains the formal and informal techniques of writing Michael passes me a note.

"Meet me by my car outside at break."

I look at him and nod. The bell goes and everyone but me has packed away. I pack my things and Michael has waited for me since we're alone.

"You don't have to wait for me, it can look suspicious." I say. He rolls his eyes.

"I want you to meet some people at break, you free?" He asks.

"Yep, I'm free until after lunch." I say "why?" I ask.

"I thought you should know the pack you're joining." He says and before I speak he kisses me to stop my rejection of the meeting. He suddenly stops kissing me.

"See you later sweet cheeks." He says with a wink and I shake my head as I get to phycology.

The lesson is boring, we just decipher what part of the brain does what, sadly it takes the whole lesson with the diagrams we had to draw. After me and ray split as she goes to her aunts house.

As I walk out the front door of the school a dark deep shiver runs down my spine and through my entire body. I lean against the wall and close my eyes to see what was happening and then I realize what it is. They're here.

Tears prick at my eyes and I run to Michaels car, he catches me and lightly pushes me on the car.

"What's wrong? Alex tell me what's wrong right now." He says as he sees my tear stained face and shaking body. He sits me in the back of his car and holds me.

"Tell me, please." He says and kisses the top of my head.

"They're here." I squeak out and I burst out into a fit of tears again, this can not be happening.

"I'll protect you, my pack will protect you, you are safe." He says and I nod, once I've calmed down Michael drives me to the pack house, he leads me to the very top where his bedroom is. I sit on the bed as he sorts something out downstairs.

His bedroom is large, dark blue walls with many windows, black bed and bed sheets, book shelf, desk with paperwork on it and an en suit.

I look at my hands which are still shaking and I take a deep breath in, just as I open my eyes Michael walks in with his father and three other men, one is the beta and the other two I can't tell but they do have a lot of power.

"This is Brandon, Ricky and Anderson, you know my father already, Brandon is my beta and Ricky and Anderson are the commanders of patrol and combat." Michael says casually. I give them all a small smile and shake their hands.

Michaels dad looks obviously sick, his grey hair is patchy and falling out and he has a walking stick. Ricky and Anderson are twins, both brown hair blue eyes and fit, about 6"3 ish, the only way you can tell them apart is Ricky has darker eyes. Brandon is almost as tall as Michael, tanned and fit with deep brown eyes and reddish blonde hair.

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