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We decide to just get a take away and eat in the car. It's more comfortable and I've had enough of being around humans for today.

"Ow." I say as I lift my taco to my mouth.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks.

"I burnt my hand before, I'm just lucky it's not my dominant hand." I say and shrug.

Michael examines my hand then kisses it, I feel blood rush and soon my hand is completely healed.

"I guess I have super powers too." He says and I kiss him.

Once we have eaten we start driving home. I plug my phone in and put on my new favourite playlist. Old life.

We drive home in what feels like five minutes, probably because we were obnoxiously singing to "Shawtys like a melody" and "I get knocked down" so I take proud responsibility for that.

We tell everyone via mind link about the outcome of the meeting and we are congratulated. I cuddle with Michael on the bed and enjoy the electricity between us, as strong as ever.

"So, I'm assuming that the contract goes for all angels that could appear?" I ask him.

"If they're in our pack, the contract mainly spoke about you." He says.

"What if my kids are part Angel?" I ask. Michael gets this gleefully happy look, it's prideful too, I know what he's thinking

"But that's going to be in the future." I say and give Michael a look that says 'no kids yet bro' and he rolls his eyes.

"I don't think it would be bad to have little people running around, but I don't know, the contract only focused on you, they will deal with that when the time comes." Michael says.

He pulls me up so my face is level with his. His eyes are dark green and clouded with lust.

"It's been a while." He says.

"It's hardly been days." I say and raise an eyebrow.

"Busy days." He says in a confident voice but with a hint of desperation.

"Mmmmm." I say sounding unconvinced.

"What do you want, dinner first?" He says a joke.

"Yes." I say sounding determined. Michael looks shocked and a little bit confused.

"What?" He asks.

"I want to go out on a date with you first." I say and give him an evil grin. "Told you that I have a bad side." I say and give him a wink.

"Mmmmm." He says and leans down to kiss my neck.

"You know how we're different, unconventional perhaps." He mumbles against his new mark on my neck.

"Perhaps." I say.

"Why don't we do it backwards?" He suggests.


"Because." He says and kisses my original mark, making me shiver.

"I can live with that." I say and almost instantly I am straddling him.

"But if you don't follow through, you meet the bad side of me." I say.

"It's intriguing, but I'll agree." He says then rolls us over.

After about two hours I have a shower and grab a snack downstairs. As I'm about to leave I'm met by a very wet Tiffany.

"What are you doing up so late?" I ask as I chomp on some Doritos.

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