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After about an hour I wake up. I smile when I see the moonlight. I sneak into Ray's room and I wake her up.

"Ready?" I ask. She nods happily. We walk to the garden. As my feet touch the soft grassy ground I hold onto Ray as the moon goddess talks.

She can have the wings. Only for five minuets a month. And as long as she is not menstruating. Kiss her forehead as you call the wings.

"Do you want to fly alone?" I ask her. Her eyes brighten.

"Really?" She asks. I nod.

"Only for five minutes a month and as long as you're not bleeding." I say and laugh. "But don't pull a Cinderella and forget. Five minutes is all." I say, I don't want her falling.

"I promise I'll set a timer." She says and I roll my eyes at her new smart watch. I watch her set it for four minutes.

I take her hands and I kiss her forehead. I call for my wings and they appear on her back. I smile as she instantly shoots off. I watch her with a smile.

A hand holds onto mine. I smile.

"You're an amazing person, you know that?" Michael asks me. I laugh.

"I have a bad side too." I say.

"Umm, more fun." He says and kisses me. We are knocked to the ground by Ray.

"Damn landing is hard." She says.

"No shit." Michael says as he stands. Ray picks him up and jumps around.

"I flew I flew I flew." She says. I laugh and Michaels bewildered face. As he is put down I feel my wings back in my back, it's comfort is indescribable. I feel whole again.

My tiredness goes away as I fall into bed again. My mind focused on being public. I hate the thought of being open and vulnerable.

"Stop stressing." Michael says from next to me.

"Sorry." I say but my mind doesn't stop.

"Ill be there. Don't worry." He says, he looks as if he was going to continue but Brandon opens the door and catches his breath.

"The human police force has requested your presence in New York tomorrow noon. They say it's a requirement." He says.

With a nod he walks out.

"They've heard." I say and Michael nods, confirming my suspicion.

"Don't worry about it. I'll protect you." He says and as he wraps his arms around me he kisses my head.

"Can you do me a favour?" I ask.


"Anything." I say.

"Just talk. About anything, just keep my mind off this crap." She says. I give her a small nod and I pull her so she lays her head on my chest. I play with her hair.

"I remember the first day I saw you." I say and I feel her smile. "I was out for a drive when I saw a sign for the airport. Me and my parents used to go and watch the planes take off every weekend as a tradition and I decided to so I could have some space. I parked my car and as I got out I saw this beautiful girl, signing papers with her ID in her hand with a smile of freedom but a little sadness in her eyes. I watched as she climbed into her car and drove off. I followed her but lost her on the freeway. When I got home I told my best friend about this angel like girl it almost broke me when he said that I'd never see her again." I say and I bite my lip when I remember the memory.

"Go on." She says and I clear my throat.

"Well I was going to go for a run when I ran out of the scent hiding spay so I went to the store and got some. As I walked out I walked into a shopping cart and there she was, wide eyed and apologetic. I walked away but caught her scent. I knew then I was addicted. On the way home I was shitting myself. I knew she wasn't in my pack so how could I be so crazy? I wanted to clear my mind so I went for a run. After about three hours I smelt her. I turned my head and she ran into me. She was terrified so while she was bowing in submission I ran away." I say and move my hands from her hair to her skin.

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