The world of numbness.

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Three weeks. That's all, three measly weeks have passed and what have I done? Nothing. The mind link of the pack meeting to discuss the new alpha female has sent me into a numb world of timelessness and constant aches.

I haven't showered, there's no point. I might as well die in this cold bed. There have been countless mind links to me by Ray, and Michael. The second I realized he tried to talk to me my wolf blocked him. My wolf is the only thing keeping me alive, making me move in bed so I don't get sores, making me eat.

Just a reminder for today's meeting, all must attend. I hear in my head. Tears prick at my eyes but I close my eyes and breath. I could go and try and break them up, no. Anna's words stick in my mind. "Be kind, be gentle, be courageous." I take a deep breath. I check the time, I have five hours until the meeting so I can do it one step at a time.

I get up, my head hurts so I walk sluggishly to the kitchen and have some aspirin and water, I grab a random tub of ice cream and I wonder to the bathroom. I run a bath as I sit on the edge as i'm so tired. I get in with my ice cream and I eat as the jets massage my back. I'd usually be relaxed and soothed but now it's just water hitting my back at a higher velocity than the rest of the water.

I wash my hair until my scalp almost feels raw, only because I can feel Chloe touching Michael and it infuriates me.

I step out and I dry off. I look in the mirror and my eyes have dark circles around my eyes, my eyes are a almost green from all the crying, my skin is even paler and lifeless, my hair has lost any volume and as I run my hand through it clumps fall out.

My eyes scan the rest of my body and I feel the tears prick at my eyes when I see the places he touched, I take a deep breath and I remember to be courageous.

I get changed and it takes an hour to get my hair to cooperate. I go to the local store and I pick up some scent hiding spray, I want to be as hidden as possible.

I mind link Ray. I know you're probably busy, I don't want to bother you but do you mind coming over?

Sure babes, see you in five. She replies. I get to my apartment and I smile at the doorman, I pull out my piece and hand him a ten dollar note. He thanks me and I go upstairs. Soon after Ray arrives and straight away hugs me.

"I can feel your pain from downstairs, what happened?" She asks. She sits me down and I tell her everything apart from the talk with Anna.

"I can't believe this. I can't believe I'm following such an ass, I mean I understand the loyalty to the pack and it's the hardest position to be in but the pack would understand." She says.

"What's going to happen to you? Is the mate lifespan going to effect you?" She asks, I shake my head.

"Nope, he didn't mark me as his." I say, she sighs and does my hair and makeup to take my mind off everything. After what only feels like ten minutes she puts down the eyeliner and says it's time to go. I nod and look in the mirror.

"I look, great." I say surprised, my eyes are still full and lifeless but the inches of makeup have made my skin look alive and it even has a little bit of colour.

As we go to the pack house just in time I douse myself in the scent hiding spray and rays perfume.

We go to the meeting hall and I sit at the back so I'm hidden by the hundreds of people and the noise drowns out my thoughts, Ray leaves me to sit on the stage with her brother. I put on my glasses to hide the tears as I see and smell him enter. Him and Chloe stand on stage hand in hand and I can't help but let a tear fall, the only thing keeping me from balling is Rays funny glare at the two.

Somehow Michaels eyes instantly fall on mine. He obviously has makeup on, well to me it is, his skin is flawless, like porcelain. Maybe he is taking this as hard as I am? No probably not.

I close my eyes and remember "be gentle, be kind, be courageous." Right now the only thing letting me do that is Anna's presence and my wold repeatedly saying "he will be happy." As that's all i want, for him to be happy.

"As you all know it was my eighteenth birthday last month, and I am happy to announce my mate-ship." He says, my eyes burn at the sight of Chloe's smirk. The tears fall down my face like waterfalls and I sit down unlike the rowdy crowd in front of me.

"So, please welcome the blood moons new alpha female." He says and I hear the clicking of Chloe's heels.

"Alex James." I hear, there's a large gasp. I look up and all focus is drawn to me. I stand up and I make eye contact with the man who broke my heart.

"Will you join me on stage?" He asks, no force in his voice but more of an apology in his voice. I look at Anna the elder and she gives me a small nod and smile. I go on stage and I feel the eyes follow me as I do so.

"Will you forgive me? Will you be my alpha female?" He asks.

"What? I'm your mate!" I hear Chloe screech. Ray grabs her arms and hold them behind her back.

"This girl threatened the pack, she wanted the crown and was willing to hurt the pack and the alpha to get it, which is in direct offense to my rules as leader. Brandon, send her where she cannot communicate nor escape, I will deal with her later." He says. My mind is blank, I see a glaring Chloe walk by and I swallow my pride so I don't retaliate.

"Be my mate? Be my alpha female?" He asks, and then he fuzzes out of my vision and the last thing I know is hitting my head and heading a loud gasp.

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