The Fall of Captain As*hole

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*** Is it too late to say sorry? I know I am the worst writer in the world making you all wait for so long for an update. As promised here's the last chapter of Millie and Santi's wedding, after this one I'll take a little break to edit some chapters of FFSOG for a surprise for you guys and then I need to update my other story Best Friends but I am sure I will have more time to write niece this semester finishes. I am truly sorry I make you guys wait this much for an update but j can't seem to write shorter chapters anymore. Thank you for sticking with me! I love you guys! Don't forget about that! My life would be super dull without you! Xoxo-Z***


Sydney, July 5th 2014

Jamie's POV

I can't believe that asshole!

How on earth did he get here?

I'm sure Maqui didn't invite him, she wouldn't do that.

Why would he come all the way to Australia? To piss me off? Well he accomplished it. I'm royally pissed right now.

Apparently he has it bad for Maca but I will show him who is Maca's man.

Riding the taxi with my baby girl to the venue relaxes me, I had to leave the church because both Dulcie and I were stressed but for different reasons. Now she is sleeping peacefully and I am trying to plan Operation: The Fall of Captain Asshole. I dial Jack's number, he's come for Millie's wedding with his wife and sister. The call falls directly to his voicemail. Great! I put my phone back in my pants and grab my wallet to pay the driver then I take Dulcie in my arms and walk to the reception venue.

Once I am seated comfortably right after changing Dulcie's diaper, my phone rings. I smile to see Jack's phone number.

"It took you long enough to call me back"


I frown when I hear Millie's voice.

"Oh. Hey Mills! Congratulations!"

"Thank you James! Where are you?"

The anxiety in her voice bothers me.

"I'm in your wedding reception with Dulcie. She wasn't feeling too thrilled with all that clapping"

"I know! I noticed and thank you for taking care of her but..."

Oh oh! Here comes trouble. Whenever Millie speaks to me as if she was speaking to a toddler, it's because I've fucked up.

"Dulcie is not supposed to be in the reception party. She gets upset with too much noise around her, so I hired a babysitter"

"What do you mean a sitter? Wasn't I supposed to take her with me after the party?"

"Yes, but I wanted you to enjoy the party with Maqui so the sitter is going to take care of her until my parents get home and you can pick her up tomorrow morning"

Crap! I always mess up. She pauses then she continues.

"I am going to ask my mom to pick her up and take her back home"

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