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*** Picture above of Santi and Millie***

Chicago, May 21st

Macarena's POV

I wake up to an empty apartment. Dani left yesterday to Cape Town to meet Matt, I guess Jamie is almost over with the movie because Matt is returning to America with Dani. As I get ready to go to the studio, I run last night's episode once again, trying to understand Chris and I can't help but ask myself, have I been giving Chris mixed signs that I might like him? I hope I didn't because I love Jamie and the least I want now is to mess up the friendship between Chris and I. He's a great friend and I don't want to loose him as that. He's been here for me through all my heartache so I cherish his friendship.

I grab my phone and look for a message from Jamie, he had visualized my last message but no reply so I try to FaceTime him.

His phone rings but no response and I receive a message saying that he's not available at the moment, so I decide to send him another message.

Hey! How are you? I'm missing you and your poems ;) Call me when you have the time.

I press send and wait for the blue checks to show me that he has visualized it and nothing. A knock on the door brings back my attention. I walk towards the door with a smile on my face, maybe I was overreacting about what happened last night, Chris is here to follow our morning routine where he eats the entire contents of my fridge while I wait for him to give me a ride to work. But my smile turned into  a confused look when I saw who was behind my door.


He greets me and smiles at me.

"Hola Maca! Chris has asked me to come pick you up"

"Where is he?"

I frown and look towards the apartment next to mine, thinking that he might pop out of his door saying that they were joking, but nothing.

"He has some errands to run throughout the day so it's just you and me today! The studio has changed the schedule so we better hurry"

"Oh! Sure"

I look at him and he has a curious look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry! Im so rude! Please come in!"

He shakes his head no.

"Sorry Bonita, not today! If you're ready we should be heading to the studio"

I nod my head in understanding and go grab my purse. Once we are out of the elevator, Mr. McGregor calls my name.

"Miss Santana?"

I turn around and smile at him.

"Good morning Mr. McGregor!"

"You have mail"

I smile at him and grab the letter he hands me, I check the sender's name and its from Millie. My smile widens and I thank him.

"Have a nice day Miss! And I hope Mr. Evans gets better soon!"

I frown and as I'm about to ask him what he was talking about, Vince grabbed my arm saying that we needed to go.

Once we are in the car I turn to Vince.

"What was that all about?"

"What do you mean?"

"What he said about Chris? Vince? What do you know?"

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