XVI - sixteen - 16

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Before I start this chapter, I have some advertising to do...

My friend has made a mock trailer with other friends, and I would appreciate if you would watch it. It's kinda creepy so if you find things weird, don't watch it. It's like a horror movie trailer. But yeah, just watch it, please. I promised him more views.

(In other news, I hope you guys like surprises!)

"Y/N, you're so being a submissive tonight." Lauren purrs, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to who knows where, with the other girls following behind both of you.

They take you out the back entrance, and you're deafened with screams from the several fangirls who rushed to the back of the venue after the performance in the hopes of seeing Fifth Harmony. It would have been deafening if you weren't so focused on the glazed-over eyes of each of the girls; Jesus, even Ally looked horny and she was like Virgin Mary.

Questions emerged from all the fans, but it wasn't like you took notice of what people around you were yelling. You were just desperate to enter the vehicle that would get you away from here and into who knows where to enjoy a night occupied with playing with each other.

You were more or less thrown into the minibus, the girls following after you. They all sit strategically, sitting around you so they all have easy access for touching your body. Let's just say, that was one long ride.

You get to a hotel, and they take you straight into the lift, teasing you all the way up. Then you finally get to the room. They strip you of your clothes before pushing you down onto the bed, and handcuffs are pulled out.

Like, pink, fluffy handcuffs.

They click each one onto the bedposts and around your wrists. Their smiles turn into smirks, as they turn around and walk away... Wait, why are they leaving you?

"Uhh, girls?"

"What do you take us for, Y/N?" Ally says, humour evident in her posture. "We don't get at it before the first date."

"But... Hey, where are you going?!"

Then they leave you there in the room. Naked and vulnerable.

Well, you tried to get somewhere with them. Now they left you like you left them.

Karma's a bitch, huh?



This is a fake chapter...

I just wanted to make a fake chapter, fooling you all. I know, I'm a horrible person. But I'm working on the real chapter.

Give me like, a week or something. I'll have the chapter up in the next week. But until then, if you need some smut desperately, I have a smut book. There is only one smut, but I should be updating tomorrow with a new one.

Love y'all!


Infected (Fifth Harmony/You)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang