IX - nine - 9

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You gain consciousness and attempt to get up, only to feel something restraining you. Confused and baffled, you properly wake up and look around. This was the bedroom in your old survival camp apartment. You were on the bed, but there were straps, like belts, strongly restricting your movement. You saw you were connected to a heart monitor. You, being slightly logical, believed that was there so if it went crazy, someone would come over. You decided to use this to your advantage.

You think of the five girls. All of Fifth Harmony. Yes, you have been denying any type of feeling for them, but there's no hiding that they are so.... damn.... attractive. You go back to remembering meeting Lauren's ocean green, hypnotising eyes, and how they drew you in. That thought leads to later on in that same day, kissing Camila when the dare started. Then the kiss with Dinah that literally left everyone else in the room looking like horny teenagers. The blissful lips of Ally when she was so shy and had a cute rosy touch to her cheeks. Then, there was Normani. You may have never kissed her, but she certainly made an impact on you. Your heartbeat picks up as you remember the feeling of her soft, plump lips on the side of your neck. You hear that the heart monitor has only gone up a small amount, not enough to attract attention. Then, you begin to imagine what would have happened if you didn't start talking to Normani, instead just letting her carry on. Yes, your heartbeat was picking up fast, if only... You begin to imagine all the girls had come in, admiring your body through intimate, suggestive touches...

"Y/N?" You look as the door swung open, to reveal Lauren. No, not your sweet Laurenza who you were having totally not inappropriate thoughts about, but the bitch Gabrielle Sangreck one.

"What do you want? To steal away more important people? Because I have no one I care about anymore, boo hoo for you."

"Actually, your heart monitor went crazy. Are you alright?" She asks, serious concern and worry evident. You just laugh. A dry, humorless laugh.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just, ya'know, got tased and forced back here and got strapped to a bed when in reality you should be with your girlfriend." That dug deep at Sangreck. "Why don't you want to join her Lauren?"

"One, I go by Gabrielle now, there's too many Lauren's in this damn camp, and two, I lost someone I loved. Many people I loved. So I want to stay here so I can try stop others suffering with the pain I have now."

"Then why bring me back? Why not just leave me here?" Lau- Gabrielle looks at you like you're stupid.

"There are people who care about you here. Have you forgot that?" You remember then what you have done. You threatened to kill three best friends, and a guy who you had become very well acquainted with. You killed your best friend in front of her girlfriend, and was about to kill her too. You left Ashton, Luke, Leigh-Anne, Jade, Perrie, Dinah Jane, Normani, Camila, Lauren, Ally... You left them all, for your own selfish needs. A tear rolls down your eyes, and you can only think one thing.

"Kill me."

"What? Y/N, what are you-"

"I said, kill me."

"Why do you want to do that?" Gabrielle asks, a tone of sarcasm somewhat dropped in.

"All I do is hurt everyone Gabrielle! You just don't get it! Everywhere I go, I hurt people. I left Luke, ditched Little Mix, abandoned Fifth Harmony... Hell, Abi was so scared about telling me she loved you, and I shot her! Tell me now Sangreck, am I really doing any good?"

"Yes. You saved us from a code red. You willingly put your life at risk. You made an illegal broadcast telling the world that there is hope." You take a moment to notice what she said. "You have done so much more than you may believe. Don't throw that away."

"Fine. Don't kill me, don't let me die. But please, for the love of God, let me go. I feel like these belts are cutting off all the circulation in my body." Gabrielle laughs, and I do too, until I hear a muffled voice outside.

"I don't care if I love her, she will not use the Lord's name like that!" Wait, was that... Ally?

"Whoa, you love her now? Well, short stack falls fast, doesn't she?" That was Dinah. Are they all out there or something?

"DJ, shut up. We all know for a fact that we've fallen for her already, and I haven't even kissed her." Lauren.

"But Normani hasn't kissed her, you're not the odd one out." Camila. Just one more, and that means they're all outside this-

"Well, we may have had some form of contact..." There's the last one.

"Allysus, get the holy water please? I think someone needs a cold shower over here!"

"Shut up Laurenza!"

"Says the one who seduced Y/N!" You decided that enough was enough.

"She might have seduced me if we didn't end up talking about something pretty damn serious!" You yell, and Gabrielle looks at you amused. "What?" You ask her, and she just shakes her head.

"Do you want me to let them in here?" She offers, and you just nod your head. She leaves, and lets the five girls in.

"Uh, hi, I guess?" You say, only receiving a cold glare from all of them.

"Really, hi? You threaten to kill your best friends, leave for goodness knows how long, and just casually film another video where you play a song? More importantly, a song about changing who you are? Then you shoot your best friend, try to shoot your best friend's girlfriend, and all you can say is HI?!"

"Laur, I'm sorry, I-"

"I don't care Y/N. You don't owe me an explanation. Or any of us. Or anyone for that matter. You don't care about anyone, so why do you need to tell people why you're supposedly sorry?"

"Can you just listen to me? Please, you have to-"

"I have to what? We have to what Y/N?! I don't see why-"


The room falls silent as you yell this. You sigh, not daring to look any girls in the face. They all just stare at you, unsure what to say. Even Ally is too shocked at the revelation to tell you to watch your language.

"I never had it diagnosed, never went to a mental health doctor as it was after the apocalypse. But I have had these... memories. The first day this thing started, they are a trigger. That first day, was the day I first saw one of those damn things. That was the day I rushed to my real home, and found I was too late. That was the day I... I..." The thought makes you break down, and all the girls wrap their arms around you.

"What did you do with them?" Camila asks, and you answer bluntly.

"I shot them."


Didn't really know what to do here. Sorry.

Follow me on twitter @ fanficcrazed501


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