XV - fifteen - 15 (The... End?)

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(Five years later)

You turn on the TV and see the five girls. Fifth Harmony got back onto the music scene a year after what happened. Same with Little Mix and Justin and Demi. They were all dominating the charts, songs that really tugged at your heartstrings or made you wanna get up and dance. They knew what the world wanted and gave them it.

||"Music Scene - Breaking News"|| It flashed on the screen as a typical girl voice said it. The screen then cut to the presenter, the girl who owned the voice. You somehow knew what this was, but kept watching with pure interest.

||"Hello, I'm Claire and wow, have we got some news for you! It's been five years since the day many came back from a virtual apocalyptic world, but we have finally heard something from what is our main hero of the horrific event!"|| You still keep watching, even as a picture of you appears on the screen.

||"Y/N Y/L/N had uploaded a video only minutes ago, telling us of everything that she went through. She even admitted to a certain infection known as love! Yes, the youtube heartthrob has even told us about her admiration for five girls we all know too well. Here's a snippet of the video."|| Then a familiar room, the one you always record in appears, with you in the centre of the frame. You noticed how much more defined you are now. Your arms have grown, muscle becoming obvious, and your crop top showed off your abs.

||-"I was infected while I was there, actually. But not in the way you think. There were five girls, you might know them. Ally, Camila, Dinah, Lauren, Normani. Fifth Harmony. They left me with emotions I couldn't even describe, but now, now I can. I have truly fallen for them. It's been so long, and I would love to see them again."- "So there you have it! The time she sent it was amazing, however, as I am actually here now with the girls!"|| Your eyes widen as the girls come on screen with big smiles, waving at the camera and saying various hellos.

||"So, girls, tell me, did you ave any idea of Y/N's feelings?"

"Yeah, we did." Dinah decides to speak up. "We've been looking for her for a while, but she was so hard to find."

"Lauren and Normani, the fact that Y/N loves you must have some type of effect on you, right? I mean, you two are a well-known couple, and this must make things awkward."

"Actually, no. We all knew about how everyone else was feeling about Y/N, and we all knew that we all liked her-" Lauren was cut off by the Claire woman.

"You mean to say, you all return Y/N's feelings?"

"Yeah, we do. We've actually talked about this many times. All 'what if Y/N comes back?' and 'what if she likes all of us?' were a couple questions." Camila answered 

"So girls, just in case Y/N is watching, what would you like to say to her?"

"Y/N, we all love you. Please, come back to us." Ally then says.

"We miss you, let us know you're okay."||

You shut off the TV. You have a plan.

(Five hours later)

You arrive at the back door of the arena, where a guard is. As you get closer, you realise it's Big Rob. "Hey, Robbie!"


"Yup, the one and only."

"You ready?"

"Of course."

He lets you in, and you can hear them from here. Fifth Harmony was on tour, with Little Mix. You had already told Perrie your plan, and she told the rest of the girls. Fifth Harmony had no idea, though.

Infected (Fifth Harmony/You)Where stories live. Discover now