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(Quick recap. You've admitted to a triggering memory and have just said to the girls "I shot them")

The girls could only stare in shock. You sigh and continue.

"I went back home after one of them invaded my second home. On the way, I was researching the disease and found all memory of their past self is removed as they die, so once they become these monsters, they only have their body that resembles them. I got there, found that had happened to all my family. I tied them all up in one room. I cried. I told them I loved them. Then I lost it. I lost everything. Hope. Care. Love. I lost the most important things I had. I became lifeless in myself, only ceasing to exist. I looked them in the eyes as I shot them in the head, one by one."

"That's the memory, right? The one that triggers you?" Camila asks, and you nod.

"It reminds me. I cannot love, I cannot care, I cannot hope for the best. I cannot let myself be led to believe there is happy endings. None of us will survive anyway. It's all just a challenge to see how long for."

At this moment, you couldn't have been more true.


"Why... How does she know?" The dimwit asked me.

"Well, how do you think she fucking knows?! She hijacked every screen available, you imbecile! She'll have found access, the whole damn world saw it! They will have commented!" My anger got the best of me.

"Oh, yeah, that." For such a bright girl, she can be so stupid.

"Demitria, it needs stopping. We know that the virus was made from clones. We can't have them know that their families are out there. It will ruin the plan."

"Master, do you think we are being a little too cruel to them?" What sort of a question was this?

"I want them dead. Y/N in soul nearly is." Then an idea forms. "You go out there."


"Go. Out. There."


"I can make you into one of those diseased creeps out there permanently." I threaten, and suddenly Demitria is willing to comply.

"Fine. I'll do it. But I will not work for you anymore. I will tell them."

"Go ahead, they won't believe you."

Demitria storms away, leaves, and I feel a sense of accomplishment knowing they will all die soon.

Back to you

"Ever wondered what happened to the rest of the world everyone?" You say, and they turn to you as if you were crazy.

"Well, we know. Everywhere is the same." Dinah says in a voice trying to call out your stupidity.

"Have you tried hacking into the network services? I say different."

"Okay, Y/N, what the hell are you on about?!" Lauren yells, confusion plaguing her face.

"That video was a broadcast around the world, on YouTube too. People commented, asking why I was apparently killing a hoard of the undead. It's only here. The virus is only here, and the world is clueless." As you explain, they become even more confused.

"So you're saying someone set us up?" Normani asks, and you nod. "So now what? We're stuck here."

"Let's broadcast more."

"Say what now?" Camila says, as you spoke really fast.

"More. Broadcasts. I say we do them in different areas, show the world discreetly what is happening in the background. Enough to not worry regular fans, but enough to alert governments and rescue services."

"I agree with Y/N here." Ally inputs, and they all nod.

"Well then, we need eye-catching videos. Laurmani, you're now a thing."

"HUH?!" Both exclaim.

"Let's get the attention of the harmonizers!" All of Fifth Harmony stare at you with blank expressions. "What? The ship is more popular than you'd think. I know some strong believers too." I say, sneaking a wink at Normani.

"Uh, okay, sure. What are we doing?" Lauren says to clarify with me. You grab one of the recorders that was just conveniently nearby on the table (because this is a fanfiction not an accurate description of what would happen in a somewhat zombie apocalypse) and pointed it towards them.


"Y/N, what?" Ally says, as a reply for them.

"Just do it. Kiss, hug, act like a couple. Just get us some attention, some views! Besides, we have the rest of Fifth Harmony in the background, including Dinah with a gun. I think we'll be getting the message out and the video will go viral so it gets noticed." Lauren shrugs, and Normani smiles.

You start to record, and already they look lovestruck. They are holding each other in a deep hug, and they seem to be enjoying it so much. Well, you knew for a fact Normani was. Sooner or later she's gonna thank you for that.

"KISS! KISS! KISS!" You hear Dinah chant, and focus on her a second, just short enough to not seem strange, just long enough for authorities to notice the gun on her waist. You then move the camera again so it's focused on Laurmani as the others chant, including you. You watch as they separate, giggling slightly at our chanting before looking each other in the eyes.

In that moment, you saw it. It wasn't lust, desire or want. It wasn't innocent, friendly or strange. It was in Lauren's eyes, most likely more present than Normani's. That was a look you longed for before the disaster. The look of pure love. As they lent in, however, the look, if not already obvious was just confirmed. The way their lips locked together. There wasn't any teeth or tongue, just purely a sugar-sweet kiss that looked like it would even melt the heart of Scrooge. It surely did, though. These were quite literally your ghosts of past, present and future. Something in you clicked, a feeling lost long ago. A feeling of compassion took over you for the first time since this dreadful virus. You welcomed this feeling in, realising you haven't felt anything quite like this before.

"Okay guys, I got it all in." You say, but notice a change in Lauren. She has somewhat perked up, a small smile on her face. But Manibear, she stood with the world's biggest grin. "Oh, so I'm cupid now?" You ask, and Camila turns to me confused.

"But how are you cupid if- Oh, right. I didn't see that one coming." Camila says as she looks back at them only to see them kissing again. They all just smile at the pair, until their hands start to wonder slightly and the kisses get a little more rough.

"That's my cue!" You shout as you leave the room, hearing all the girls laughing. They laughed even louder when you walked back in, after being told by a nurse that you couldn't leave the room until you were dismissed. "Yeah, I get it. Just no getting it on in here!"

"Yeah, sure, whatever. I still haven't had anything off you anyway." Lauren says, and the girls all look at you expectantly. You shrug them all off.

"Not now, it wasn't that long ago since I became conscious after being tased to the floor." The girls nod, then leave. You sit down, and breathe. Things might just go back to normal again. Well, providing you don't go crazy and end up nearly shooting someone before being tased. As long as that doesn't happen, this might work out just fine.


So there you go! I have a little surprise for you coming soon, so just stick with my slow updates.

Follow me on twitter for some random stuff and update news @ fanficcrazed501


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