XI - eleven - 11

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~~~(Three Days Ago)~~~

"Oh come on! I'll go myself, but please?" You were begging to go back home to get your guitar.

"No. No way." You were in a room with Lauren, arguing with her.

"But why?" You ask, not understanding.

"Because last time you were there, we had to use a taser on you Y/N." True. "I'll go get it. I'm not having you being triggered."

"It wasn't that bad-"

"You tried to kill Gabrielle after shooting her girlfriend!"

"Fine. But I'm still going."

"Y/N, don't be like that. I just don't want you feeling how you did before." She kneels in front of you, so she is at your eye level. "I'll get your guitar and bring it back in one piece, not get killed by some damn walker."

"Okay, nope, I've had it. You are not risking your life over a guitar." You stand up and walk to the door, only to have Lauren swing you round and slam your back against it. She then proceeds to forcefully slam her lips against yours.

You were, well, shocked. You did kiss back but did end up pulling away. After all, she didn't exactly give you a chance to receive any air after pushing you against the door. You were winded then kissed. There wasn't much breathing involved in that moment. Lauren looks at you, and her emerald eyes somewhat pierce into you, stopping you from retaliating.

"I'm getting the guitar." With that, she left.

~~~(Present Day)~~~

"Come on, that's just evil!" Lauren says. Yup, you got roped into a game of truth or dare again. There was you, Fifth Harmony, Little Mix, Luke and Ashton. Just like how it was your first day here.

"That's the dare..." Dinah sings, a smirk on her face. She just dared Lauren to grab the extra hot sauce and squirt half a mouthful into her mouth.

"Nope. Anything but that." Lauren says. You burst out laughing, and Dinah forms another idea.

"Fine then. Kiss Y/N." This stopped you from laughing and made your eyes go wide.

"Oh hell nah. We are NOT starting this again- MMPH!" It was only too late, as when you finished the sentence, Lauren's lips were firmly pressed against yours.

Two times in one week. You were so confused. What is it with the girls of Fifth Harmony wanting to kiss you? Yeah, you were aware of their crushes, but surely this is too far. Lauren is with Normani now, she's in a happy relationship. Why hasn't this stopped her? Or any of them?

Lauren eventually released you, and you just sat there. After a while, including everyone laughing, you had summoned up enough courage to look around at everyone who sniggered. Seriously, you just kissed someone else's girlfriend in front of her and others, and they're giggling.

Before you managed to speak up, however, the door opened, and a woman could be seen at the door. "So my girls are here, hey?" Fifth Harmony them all squeal and hug the girl tightly.

"DEMI!!" You get up and watch the interaction between them before Demi's eyes land on you. Then tension filled the air dramatically.

"Y/N." Her voice was pleading, hopeful, but your face remained neutral.


The vibe was eerie to everyone else. There was this thing a long time ago between the two of you. You were great friends until you had an argument with her due to her career. She was a singer but worked most of the time with Simon Cowell, someone you strongly despised. Little Mix had addressed their hatred to him before, but couldn't leave as they had a contract with his company. Eventually, you stopped contact with her, but it got round that she stopped work with him. Didn't mean you believed it, though.

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