Chapter 41: The King Has Returned

Start from the beginning

I was just about to feel like a boss when one came up behind me again and grabbed my arms again. "Get 'er!" He cried to his buddy with a nasal tone in his voice. I tried to slam my head back again or loosen my arms but he was more careful this time. His buddy came up and I received a sharp blow to my face, and then another, and another and one to the stomach. I realized they were trying to knock me out, and who knows what they would do with my body then.

Then recalling the red head, I leaned all my weight on the guy holding me and lifted myself up, using the remainder of my dwindling strength to kick his buddy repeatedly in the face. He stumbled and I somehow managed to lift my leg high enough to kick the one holding me in the crotch. He released me instantly and I made a run for it, but not before his buddy made one last attempt to grab my ankle. He did, and I crashed to the floor landing face first on the concrete, and my world went black.




When I came to I was alone in an alley way. I sat up slowly, careful not to make the already spinning world spin too much out of orbit, and looked around. All around me were small little splatters of blood, probably from the attack that had ensued earlier.

I sat up slowly, my head groggy and my face aching. I was unable to remember anything, and I raised hand up to my face, and that's when I felt the dried up blood on my lip. I sat on the concert, looking around and trying to remember where I was.

I was crowned homecoming queen at the dance. No that's not right, I was beating up three thugs..or was I part of the three thugs? I groaned and stood slowly. All I knew was it was super late and I needed to get home before my fake parents called the cops.

I began walking, but something was missing in my foot steps. There was no annoying click-clacking of my shoes. My feet weren't sore either. I looked down and saw new but smudged Nike's on my feet. When did I put these on? I mused to myself. I kept walking and when a breeze brushed past me I rubbed my arms, and decided to tuck my arms into my shirt.

Wait....since when was I wearing a shirt.....?

Quickly, in case this possibility that was too good to be true disappeared I ran around, looking for something that held my reflection. I felt...alive....tough, energized! Finally I reached a park and stared into the reflection of a car. My jaw hung open as I took in my reflection. My short hair, my perfectly imperfect nose, my chiseled boyish features, my face! I was back!!

I touched my face slowly and gently, as if it would break or disappear if I weren't careful. Finally after seeing it was hear to stay I pulled on my cheeks and started laughing.

First it started off as chuckles, then I started dying, laughing like a lunatic. I fell on the floor and wrapped my arms around my ribs, as if to keep myself from exploding from happiness. Finally I jumped and punched the air, pushing myself of my car and screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Yes!" I screamed."I'm the king of the world! I'm free! I'm free! Whoooohooo!!" Suddenly I stopped and looked around. If this is the scene where I was last a guy, there was someone I needed to see. I opened my car door, after hugging it of course, and dug around between the seats and in the glove department. When I found what I needed I ran back down the path.

There he was. Right where I left him. He looked up at me hopelessly, as if he was already predicted my answer, but was willing to try anyway. "Please sir, if you could please"-

"You want money don't you?" I asked a little too happily. The homeless man just looked at me with a confused expression, so I sat down next to him and continued. "Well money's a very important thing but there's gotta be more. I mean no offense but you seem to be on the wrong side of town."

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