Chapter 48: Hurt Sister

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Matt's POV

As my sister and I run through the forest in wolf form, I feel an ache in my heart. I had to leave my mate because her father was the one that killed my parents, Alpha James and Luna Nora of the HiddenWolf Pack. I was supposed to be an Alpha but I had to run. I had to become a rouge.

I suddenly stopped running and immediately shifted into my human form when I heard my sister whimper in pain. She's hurt. The blood around her is like the Red Sea. Red and endless. I can't treat her myself but I can't go to another pack, even if I'm marked by a powerful Alpha.

Looking at Jenna, I had to decide. Do I risk our lives and go back or do I keep running without her like she wants me to. I know I have to take her to Drake, he can help her. I can't stay there though, not without hurting Rebecca.

"Drake, meet me in the forest," I quickly mind-link, "Hurry. It's an emergency but don't tell Rebecca."

"Right. On my way." He mind-links back.

Half an hour later, Drake arrives and stares at Jenna. He carefully takes his jacket off and wraps it around her while she is struggling to survive in her wolf form. I hope the Moon Goddess is merciful and she lets my little sister survive.

"Drake, take her to your pack, I have to keep you running to keep you all safe. They want me more than my sister. They won't go near your pack." I order since I am his Alpha as I was marked by his sister. He bows his head in submission and I run.

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