Chapter 9: The Truth

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Rebecca's POV (picture of Drake above)

I hug my mate that has just awoken from a coma and cry into his shoulder. I love him so much. I wish it was me that slowly fell into a coma, not him. I will not let him face this darkness alone. We will face it together.

As we pull away and he wipes my tears I smell a familiar scent that I couldn't smell a moment ago. I turn to see who it is and I see Alpha Drake in a wheelchair next to the door.

He clears his throat before saying, "Rebecca, may I talk to you in private."

Triston mind-links me, "It's ok, go and see what he wants."

Then I take the breaks off my wheelchair and follow Drake. I wonder what he's going to tell me. I bet it's something to do with the DarkMoon Pack. They have been annoying us for years. Well, I guess I'm going to have to pretend to listen if he talks about them... I'm only joking, I would never do that to my Alpha. We arrive at his cubical on the other side of the ward and we both park our wheelchairs on opposite sides of the cubical.

"Rebecca, I found your biological brother." He says after a few moments of silence.

Wait, did he just say 'biological brother'? He did! That means I have family that's alive! Real family!

After a moment of thinking I have the courage to say, "What pack is he in?"

"This pack." He replies.

"Who?" I ask ready to jump out of my wheelchair to go find him.

"Me." He says quietly so most people can't hear.

The alpha is my brother? My real name is Rebecca Taylor?

"Rebecca Taylor..." I whisper hoping that he doesn't hear.

He just stares at me with his blue eyes. I do the same with mine. Then"" I see all our similarities. Pale skin, bright blue eyes, lovely brown hair, little button noses, small hands, tiny ears, we have all these things. Then he smiles which causes me to smile and even our smiles are the same, our teeth are also pretty similar.

"Wait, I'm older than you! I should be Alpha!" I blurt out.

He chuckles before saying, "That's true, but the only people that know are me and dad. Dad is dead. Imagine what the pack would think when I let the Beta become Alpha."

"What they say doesn't matter. At least I found my biological family and I can see all the similarities." He shouldn't be embarrassed. This is the truth. Then out of nowhere I shout "I am Rebecca Taylor! Not Rebecca Jones! I am your older sister! Don't be ashamed or embarrassed."

Drake quickly pulls my arm causing me to shut up before saying, "Shh! They will hear you, now is not the time for everybody to find out. Sis, you need to be careful. I love you and I'm sure you love-"

Drake immediately shuts up as Cole walks in. I guess he heard everything. I then quickly jump out of my wheelchair and growl at Cole. He doesn't bow his head in submission. I am the Alpha's sister and his Beta. He should. I growl louder but he growls back.

That's it, I've had enough. I quickly grab his neck and pin him up against the wall. My grip on his quite tight but only tight enough to cause him pain. Drake just watches in amazement as he sees what his older sister can actually do.

I then growl at him in a Alpha tone before using my normal voice to tell him, "Don't you dare tell anybody I'm the Alpha's big sister. If you do I will have your head."

I let go and he bows his head in submission. He then runs out of the cubical. He better not go anywhere near my mate.

"Nice one sis." Drake says which causes me to face him.

We both stare at each other before bursting into laughter. To be honest that was funny, seeing Cole's little face scared. I then help Drake out of his wheelchair and onto his bed even though he doesn't want me to. He gives me an evil look.

"Bro, you need to rest! I'm only trying to help. I bet Lacey agrees with me." I tell him when he stops giving me his evil look.

"Who's Lacey?" He asks while giving me an confused look.

I give him a really happy look as I whisper, "Lacey is my wolf. She doesn't like a lot of people knowing her name, she's always loved you, I guess she knew the truth. So you're allowed to know her name."

Drake suddenly has the saddest look in the world, like someone has died. "My wolf is called Xander. He's missing. He has been ever since they took him away from me by feeding me that stupid flower!"

I then pull him into a hug as he cries into my collar bone. I whisper, "It's going to be ok."

Right now, my little brother needs me more than my mate does.

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