“Come on dad please? Please, we won our game today and everything. Uncle Harry??”

Just hearing my title of Uncle Harry made my heart swell. I had always loved kids so now having so many around me all the time was great fun. “Your dad’s right, and plus mom wants to see you guys so we better head straight there. You okay with that hunny?” I asked looking into the rear view mirror at Hallie.

“Yeah I want to see mummy. And..and maybe later we could go get ice cream?” she asked still a little hopeful.

“I think you will definitely be eating some today!” I hinted as we finally exited the crowded parking lot.

Charlotte POV

“Where the fuck are Louis and El with the cake?” Dani said as Chelsea shot her a dirty look and pointed to Efie. “Opps I guess I owe some money in the swear jar.” giving an apologetic smile.

Efie looked up from her card she was finishing, “That's okay Uncle Zayn says that all the time.”

“I most certainly do not. Are you telling lies about me again?” Zayn said waltzing into the kitchen with a huge cake box. Efie giggled and ran up and hugged Zayn as he set the box down on the island.

“Oh Zayn thank god you have the cake. Wait how did you get the cake?” I asked moving Lucy, my daughter of 14 months to my other side.

“Well Lou and El are having some issues getting Hallies present over here.” He said sniggered.

“What does that mean?” Chelsea asked a little frantically.

“Oh god please tell me that actually got it?” Dani asked Zayn.

“Got what?” Chelsea asked more forcefully this time.

“We can all talk about it after shes here but we better get in there if we want to be there when she opens the door.” I said moving towards the living room of Harry and Chelseas house.

“Good idea.” Zayn said grabbing Effies hand and pulling her into the living room with the other 7 or 8 kids from Hallies class.

I followed behind Danielle and Chelsea. My phone buzzed and I looked at a text form Niall

Just pulled on to their street. See you in 5

“Niall said they’re be here in 5 minutes!” I said a little loudly causing everyone in the room to get excited.

“Okay you guys know the drill.” Chelsea said quickly walking over to the front door. Gemma and her husband helped a few kids hide behind some big curtains before hiding them selves. The Payne family tucked themselves behind a couch with a few other kidos.  Mr. and Mrs. Johnson as well as Ann and Robin hid behind a corner to the hallway. The rest of us hid in the doorway to the kitchen. It grew pretty quiet as we all waited for the birthday girl to make her entrance.

There was a little noise outside from the front door but then it stopped. We all looked around to one another making sure it wasn't just our imaginations. A few seconds later a weird clopping sound was heard near the big windows at the back of the house. “Maybe they're coming in through the back?” Liam whispered, looking up from over the couch at Chelsea.

She looked anxious, “Uh yeah they do that sometimes. Everyone rehid away from the back door.” There was a few seconds of chaos before we all got settled again. We heard more noise and we knew that any moment they would be rounding the big bushes and would be at the huge open back glass doors. The anticipation grew and the noise shrank. We could see shadows and everyone grew absolutely silent.

Of course this is my lovely daughter decided to let out a little burp and giggle I quickly put a hand gently over her mouth. I gave a sorry look to Chelsea. As the shadows moved closer to the open door everyone coiled like springs. As soon as the group was in view everyone jumped out and screamed “Surprise!!!”

That’s when a tiny pony, Louis and Eleanor each made a noise of fear. When the realziation hit us, most of us screeched in anger “Louis!”. That’s when the front door swung open, everyone quickly turned around to see Hallie standing wide eyed at everyone. We all just stood there for a second.

“Surprise!?” Louis said shrugging his shoulders with a little chuckle. Eleanor just shook her head and put her hand over her face. Both Harry and Chelsea looked like they were about to murder him. The awkward silence moved over the crowd before Dani, always so lighthearted burst into laughter along with Zayn and Anne. Moments later we were all in hysterics even Hallie!

Thanks so much for reading! Sorry it took me so long to update. I got a little case of wirtters block. Let me know what you think, still have a few more chapters before this story is wrapped up.  Peace and blessings ya'll!

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