Chapter 1

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Rain drops slowly fell from the sky and splashed against the grass as a man stood in front of a tombstone that had just been put up. Tears joined the raindrops as the man knelt down and placed his hand on the ground in front of the grave and held back from fully crying. The man had on a suit that was just a bit too big for him and his tie had been loosened. He looked up at the tombstone and stared at it. "Chris Robinson. Beloved husband. 1990-2016."

"I'm sorry man." he said as he rubbed his hands through his hair multiple times. The tears started to roll down his face at a faster rate as he inhaled deeply. He exhaled and sat down on the grass in front of the grave and wiped his face. "I never wanted this to happen. It's not like I wanted this. I told you not to get involved and now..."

"Alex!" a female voice called. The man turned his head and saw Chris's wife, Daisy Robinson walking towards him holding a black umbrella and wearing a brown trenchcoat. "You're going to get sick if you stay out here. Come on."

Alex Polk was a man in his mid 20's and had a lived a roller coaster type of lifestyle. Once he had adjusted to one thing, something would come into his life and twist it all around. He had no steady job and the only reason he wasn't homeless was because his parents wired him money every now and then. The one person who talked to him and tried to help him keep a steady life was his childhood friend Chris Robinson.

"You go on Daisy. I'll find my way home." Alex said as he looked away from her. Her eyes were bloodshot and her voice had shaken so much when she talked, Alex knew sitting in the same car as her wouldn't go well.

"Take care Alex." She said as she turned and left him there.

"I'm going to make this right." Alex whispered to the grave. "I'm going to get revenge for you."


TWO MONTHS PRIOR to that, Alex had been walking home from his job. He worked at a gas station not to far from his house. He lived in one of the low end communities of Los Santos called Strawberry. As he walked along during one of the slow afternoons he began to feel uneasy as if people had been watching him. He turned to look and saw three men wearing all green looking at him and pointing. When he turned back around he put his head down and began to walk at a much quicker pace.

He continued walking and in his view of the concrete below, a pair of sneakers entered his eye sight. He looked up and saw a dark skinned man standing there wearing a green t-shirt with a giant letter "F" in the middle. He also had on a green bandana that covered his head, a large gold chain, khaki shorts, and green and white sneakers. The man chewed on a toothpick that stuck halfway out of his mouth as he stared at Alex.

"Excuse me." Alex said as he tried to walk by. When he tried to go around the man, he was pushed back and nearly fell over. Alex felt as though he could feel the man staring into him it was that intimidating.

"What's goin' on white boy?" the man asked.

Boy? Alex thought to himself. I know I look young but I'm not a boy. I'm only twenty-three.

"I would like to go home." Alex said.

"I didn't ask what you would like." the man said as he shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Listen. Boss man says he wants your payments."

"My what? I haven't worked for your boss in two years. He should know by now I'm done." Alex said.

"Listen bitch. I don't give a fuck if you in the game or not. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to. You got money to give to my man or not?" the man said. He cracked his knuckles and looked Alex up and down.

"I don't have any money." Alex said sighing and closing his eyes.

"You gonna have to pay one way or anotha." the man said. Alex could feel the man's massive arm wind up his punch but was saved by the sound of sirens. Alex opened one eye and turned around as a police cruiser slowly moved down the street and stopped right next to Alex and the muscular man in green. Smoke shot out from the exhaust and the window slowly rolled down. Behind the window was Alex's friend Chris Robinson who had short brown hair and olive skin. His eyes were brown and shined depending on what type of mood he was in. His face always looked relax thanks to a calm smile that seemed to always be there.

"Is there a problem here officer?" the man asked looking at him.

"I believe there is. I saw that you were about to hit this man. That would be assault son. You can go ahead and hit him, I won't stop you. Just know once you do your ass will be in the back of this car quicker than you know it." Chris said.

"Man I ain't your son." the man said, squinting at Chris. He looked back at Alex and seemed to act a lot more tough than before.

"You're lucky this time fool. Next time may be different." the man said as he walked by Alex, bumping him with his shoulder. Alex turned to Chris and waited for the man to be out of hearing range before talking.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Alex asked.

"I was actually going to check on you. Are you in the drug dealing game again?" Chris asked.

"No! I told you I'm down with that life. It's like it is a different story or something. I'm a gas station employee now and I will be for rest of my life... sadly." Alex said. Chris smiled and shook his head.

"Get in dumbass. I'll give you a lift home." Chris said as he started up the engine again.


When they arrived at Alex's house they both got out and walked inside. It was a small house that had a living room when you first walked in with three other rooms. There was a bedroom, a bathroom, and the kitchen which was connected with the living room. Chris flopped down onto the couch and turned on the TV that was set up in front of him. Alex walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, grabbed two beers, and walked back out to Chris. He handed him one beer and sat down next to him as the sports channel played in the background.

"So why did that guy stop you?" Chris asked.

"I have no idea. Something about his boss wanting money. I haven't done any work for The Families since I quit the business and his boss knows this." Alex said.

"Maybe there is a new guy in charge." Chris said. He chugged down half the bottle while Alex twirled his in his hand. Chris put the bottle down on the coffee table in front of him and wiped his face as he stood up.

"I gotta get back to work. If you need anything don't be afraid to call. Daisy wants to have you over for dinner some time too." Chris said as he walked back to the door.

"Yeah alright." Alex said as he stood up.

"Stay safe Alex." Chris said. "Don't make me have to save your ass."

"I'll be fine. I always am." Alex said. Chris left him alone in his house as Alex sat back down and stared at the TV. He stayed like that for a while until finally he stood up and went to his room. He reached under his pillow and pulled out a pistol and sighed.

"I'll be fine." Alex repeated to himself.

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