"You might wanna shower with me, since I just got you wet. No need to get a fresh pair of underwater all sticky." I said smirking at the girl and she just flipped me off.

"Go fuck yourself." The girl said and I just laughed.

"So you get a taste of your own medicine and now you're pissy?" I asked and Raquel just rolled her eyes.

I wanted to keep messing with the girl, but I decided against it. No need in pissing her off when I need her to go to Ms. Kerry with me.


"She's ignoring me." I said letting my phone drop beside me on the couch.

"Well can you blame her? You ignore and avoid her for a whole month and then just call out of the blue? I would have ignored you too." The girl said and my mouth dropped open.

"You're the one that told me to call her! I was going to talk to her in person!" I said punching my stupid aunt in the arm.

"Ow. Don't get violent. I thought she'd pick up because whenever we talk about you she never seems angry. Just sad." The girl said rubbing her arm.

"You're no help." I said grabbing my phone and standing up. "I'm going to see her in person."

"Good. And don't forget to kiss her." The girl said and I just rolled my eyes as I made my way out of her door.

I am not kissing Dani. Ever.


"What do you mean you haven't seen her in two weeks? She lives here." I asked a bored looking Mya.

"She hasn't been here. She's your best friend. Shouldn't you know where she is?" The girl asked with a hand on her hip and I sighed.

"Dani and I haven't been on the best of terms for a while." I said running a hand down my face in exasperation.

"Oh what happened? Did she stop talking to you after you guys hooked up?" The girl asked laughing as if that would be funny if it happened.

"We never hooked up and why the hell am I even still here? Thanks for nothing." I said walking away from Dani's room and her bitter ass roommate.

I could only think of one other place Dani could be and that's at Raquel's apartment. I got on the elevator and was going to make my way over there, but I spotted Dani and Raquel in the lobby talking to Ms. Kerry.

"You can move in to the other room, but you're getting a fine the next time you stay at those apartments for longer than the allotted time per day. I know you don't want me to call your mother." The woman threatened and Dani frowned.

"You won't have to worry about that ever again. I'm banning her from my apartment." Raquel said and Dani just stuck her tongue out at the girl. She's such a child.

"Well, you can move in today if you want." Ms. Kerry told Daniella and I wondered what room Daniella was moving into and why she was moving in the first place.

"Thank you so much." Dani said hugging the woman happily and Ms. Kerry laughed and awkwardly patted the girl on her back.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now