Chapter 39 - 48 Hours

Start from the beginning

I followed and a lump grew in my throat as I peered up at the old building. I'd never felt this anxious. It was going to be so strange meeting my mother, especially after what had just happened in the car.

"Thalia, what are you doing?" Harry was already at the glass doors. "Come on." I wished I could borrow some of that calmness and confidence from him.

I padded over and stopped at the doors. Harry extended a hand, offering to hold mine. "Harry do you really think that would be a good idea?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"No. But you seem really stressed out so..."

I managed a smile. "It's okay."

Once we entered, heads sharply turned. Eyes were glued to Harry, inquisitively examining his entirety. It was probably because of the expensive-looking black fabric that adorned him, and the Volkswagen that we had just arrived in. A person like Harry walking into a hospital that wasn't exactly of the highest quality was uncommon.

But Harry did not acknowledge any of the people in the lobby, he stood tall and kept his chin up, the stares evidently not a bother for him. He was probably used to it.


"Georgia Faye." I repeated so the receptionist could hear me properly. Loud conversations and the cries of babies and children filled the air.

"Alright... and your name?" The old receptionist inquired.

"Thalia Faye." I answered.

"Sorry?" She cupped her ear with her hand, leaning in closer.

"Thalia Faye," I raised my voice.

"Come again?"

"For fuck's sake, her name is Thalia Faye!" Harry cut in loudly.

"Oh, I see." The woman's face paled and she quickly looked down, flipping through a log book.

"Harry..." I turned to him.

"What? The whole hospital could hear you." He defended himself. I knew he was only being this way because he was tired. Light bags hung under his bright eyes. "I'll be waiting outside till you're done." He pulled out a cigarette box and headed toward the glass doors, jaunting through the curious stares.

"She's been moved out of the emergency department. Go there," The receptionist pointed to a hallway. "She's in CRU-19."

"Thank you so much." I smiled at her. "And sorry for earlier." I quickly muttered before following her directions.


My nerves tingled when my little brother pulled open the door. Jakey's weary eyes immediately lit up and I found myself rushing to hug him. "I told you! I told you she would come!" He excitedly said.

"You made it." Darren's voice sounded behind me as he entered the room. I hadn't seen him outside.

"Yeah, it wasn't easy." I said with a small chuckle, recalling yesterday's events. It all seemed less serious now.

Darren bent a little and latched his arms around me. I felt like the old Thalia again, everything was so familiar. My gaze travelled further and my heart ached at the sight of my mother on the hospital bed.

I slowly pulled away, ending our nostalgic embrace. Jakey led me farther into the room and a strong whiff of disinfectants filled my senses. "Mum?" I called faintly, careful not to startle her.

"She got out of the emergency department this morning." Darren informed as he stood behind me. "She's doing a lot better."

I smiled at the good news. "Do you know when she'll be discharged?"

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