Matt sat up, grabbing Bobby's arms and pulling her close to him. 

She gasped involuntarily as he did so. She looked at him in shock, her glasses slid down her nose and then she saw his lips curl into a smile. 

"You know, you're kinda cute when you're mad." He said, his face just inches from hers. For a  second she stared as he closed his half open eyes and leaned in like he might kiss her.

"Time to go." She said, pushing him away and unlocking the door as she leaned as far away from him as she could. 

Matt frowned, his eyes moving over her for a second. Then he sighed before shrugging and stepping out of the car. 

Bobby watched- watched him stumble on to the curb and then straighten himself up. Then, as if a switch in his brain had been turned on, he suddenly stood up straight and walked into his building as if nothing had happened, his hands gently adjusting his shirt as he moved. 

Still, as she drove home, she could still smell his cologne. 


"Good Morning." Bobby said, making people turn to look at her in surprise as she made it to the office over half an hour late. 

She noticed how heads turned, staring at her as she moved along but she didn't react. 

Yes, Yes- I get it, I'm late- she thought to herself, thinking it was bad enough she had to call in to warn them she'd overslept, now she was being stared at like some alien. 

Of course she'd overslept. By the time she'd made it back to her house it was nearly 5AM. Now, usually she was pretty good at just closing her eyes and drifting off but for some reason, she couldn't calm down last night. 

Her hands were clammy and her heart was beating quickly. Bobby made a mental note to schedule a doctor's appointment that week- those symptoms couldn't be normal. 

Then she saw him- looking fresh as a peach- the reason she'd stayed out the night before. She frowned as she approached him, ready to give him a piece of her mind but she was caught off guard when he started laughing. 

What in the world was he in such a good mood about today? How could he be so cheery after a night of drinking?

"Bobby, you're here!" Emma's voice distracted her when she would have approached Matt with a few choice words. 

"Emma- Hi." She said, turning to walk towards her office. 

"This is strange, you're never late." Emma said with a grin. 

"I know, I overslept." Bobby said, shaking her head. 

"It happens to the best of us- look who's here." Emma said, revealing the person sitting inside her office. 

"Eddie." Bobby said with a smile. 

"He'll be starting with us today." Emma said approvingly. 

"Great- that's perfect." Bobby said. "The new marketing manager is starting today too." 

"I know. How about you show Eddie around and then introduce him to Lisa?" Emma said, looking towards her desk. 

"Lisa? Oh, she's here?" Bobby asked, looking back into the main floor. 

"Yeah..." Emma said, moving to the door and peeking out. "That's her talking to Matt."

Bobby was still. 

"Oh, I didn't see her." Bobby said. "Actually, I met her the day she came in for her interview."

"That's right. Well, Eddie- Lisa is the person you'll be working with." Emma said as Bobby continued to stare. 

Chasing Mr. Carlton ( The story of a Shrew's Son)Where stories live. Discover now