I've Got What I Wanted. Part 9

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 “Coffee?” I turned my head and laughed at Caleb.

“Get it yourself,” I put some water in Max’s dish before setting it back on the floor. “I think we need to get him a new dish. That one is looking a bit worse for wear.” I leant against the worktop as he made his coffee.

“I’ll pick him one up during the week. Sure we need to go out and get some food for New Year's. You can't really expect everyone is going be happy with no food." He sent me a smirk while pouring the boiled water into his mug. 

"Yeah well we've got plenty of time. We did only ask them to come over last week. I think my mum is sick of having everyone in her house. She hates cleaning up." He laughed and took a sip of his coffee. 

"When do you need to be at your mum's house for?"

"Whenever really. I said before one. Are you going to come in and say hi?" He smiled and nodded. 

"Yeah I'll come in for a coffee." He set his mug down and walked over to me. "So how's today going to work then? When are you coming to Lucas' and when am I going to your mum's?" He asked placing his hands on my hips. 

"I'll stay at my mum's until around half five. Then I'll take someone's car over to Lucas'. Then we'll go over to my mum's whenever we're done. Is that okay?" He smiled and nodded.

"Sounds good to me. So do you want your presents now?" I smiled and shrugged. "Come on," he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the living room. 

I sat down on the floor beside the tree, resting my back against the sofa. “Right now you’re either going to hate this or love it. I’m hoping it’s the latter to be honest.” I laughed as he handed me a small box.

“I’m sure I’ll love it,” I set the box on the floor and looked up at him. “Do you want to open one as well or are you going to wait on me opening this?” He smiled, bending his knee up to rest his arm on.

“Just open it,” I shook my head, but couldn’t help the smile on my face. I undid the ribbon on the box. I slid the top of the box off, before moving the paper on top of the gift away. I grinned, while looking up at him.

“You didn’t,” he smiled and nodded. “You bought me a car?” I said lifting up the keys.

“Well I don’t like the fact that you sold your one so you could buy our furniture. Well I like that you’d do that for us, but I didn’t like that you did it. So instead of me driving you everywhere and us having to share one car, I bought you one. I parked it in Gary’s garage and picked it up while I was walking Max.” I laughed and shook my head at him. Gary is one of our neighbour’s that we get along with and Caleb’s good friends with now. “So do you want to go see it or…?” I jumped up making him laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he pushed himself up from the floor. I walked a few steps to the front door. I opened it up and saw a dark red BMW 6 series sitting in our driveway beside Caleb’s car.

“Oh my god it’s amazing,” I turned around and jumped in Caleb’s arms. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist. “You really didn’t need to get me a car.” He smiled, pushing my waist so he could look at me.

“I know, but I know you like driving so I thought this would be the best thing.” I smiled and placed a quick kiss on his lips.

“Thank you,” he reached his hand behind me and shut the door. “Okay yours now,” I laced my fingers with his long ones. We walked back into the living room and sat back down. I picked up the wrapped box from under the tree, which contained Caleb’s present. “It’s not as good as a car to be honest.” He laughed grasping the present in his hands.

"I'm sure it's great," he set the large box on the floor so he could open it. I feel so bad that he bought me a car and I bought him something worth so much less. He’s always spoiling me and I don’t have money to get him much. I should probably get a job. My money is running out. As he started ripping the wrapping paper off, I looked down at my new car keys. I noticed there was a 'C' dangling off them. I smiled and looked back up at Caleb, just in time to see him see him finish unwrapping his gift. "Thanks Ri," he said looking down at his new laptop. "It's amazing," he looked up at me and smiled. 

"Well you're always stealing mine so I thought I should just get you your own." He chuckled shaking his head at me. 

"Thank you," he pushed himself forward. He pressed his lips to mine quickly. 

We spent the next ten minutes or so unwrapping the rest of the presents. I got him a case for the laptop, a Superdry coat and a Superman shirt. Yes I'm still making fun of him for his boxers. He bought me a coat as well and this gorgeous dress. He did well for himself on picking it out. It was a dark red Midi dress that had half pleats at the bottom. It had really short sleeves that just about came over the shoulder, and a neckline that came just above the collar bone. It was gorgeous, and it came with a matching skinny belt. I would wear it today, but we were going out for dinner tomorrow and I wanted to wear it then. I can’t wait to go out to dinner, just me and Caleb.


I climbed out of my new car, after parking it behind my mother’s. I drove it so careful, afraid something would happen to it. I waited for Caleb, watching him walk up to me. He looked so sexy today. He was wearing slightly tight fitting jeans, his brown work shoes and a black button up shirt. And not to mention the new coat I bought him. And while we’re mentioning coats, I love the one he bought me. It was a light brown leather jacket, with a zip just to the left and sheepskin trim. And it was really sheepskin as well. When Caleb buys something, he goes full out.

“How’s the new car?” He asked stopping in front of me.

“I absolutely love it. I seriously can’t wait to show my mum.” He chuckled and laced his fingers with mine.

“Well let’s go say hi first,” we walked up to the front door and walked straight in. I walked into the living room and Caleb shut the door.

“Merry Christmas,” I said with a big smile. My mum enveloped me in a hug, nearly crushing me.

“Merry Christmas,” I laughed as she pulled away. “Merry Christmas Caleb,” he smiled and walked over to us.

“You too Sam,” he kissed my mum’s cheek and gave her a hug. “We’ve brought some stuff over for you guys. From Riley and I,” he held out the Christmas bag containing loads of presents. And this was only the first bag. This bag contained my mum’s, Johnny’s, Greg’s and my grandmother’s presents. We had another two bags in the car.

“Awk thank you guys,” she took the bag and set it by the table. “Do you guys want a coffee?” 

"Yeah I'll have one before I go," my mum nodded and left the room. We plopped down on the sofa, opposite my brother, my grandmother and Greg. 

"Are you not going to open your presents?" I asked them. 

"It's probably shit since its coming from you." Johnny said with a smile. 

"Johnny watch your language," my grandmother scolded. "You should appreciate whatever you get. I'll like to see what you got them." I couldn't help but laugh at my grandmother. For 76, she can always make me laugh. 

"Thanks Johnny. I'll think twice next time we go get you another present." He laughed, folding his arms across his chest. 

"You know I'm joking. We'll open them when mum comes back. And you guys will love your present." I laughed and looked over at Caleb. 

"So how's Uni Riley?" my grandmother asked. 

"Yeah it's good. Different and hard, but it's good." She smiled and nodded. 

"That's good. And is the Maths okay?"

"So far yeah. I've got a really good tutor to help me." She nodded as my mum walked in. She carried a tray of mugs around the room, handing everyone their tea and coffee. 

"So where did you get the coat Riley? It's gorgeous," I looked up at Caleb and smiled. 

"Caleb got me this. Wait until you see what else he got me." I set my mug on the coffee table as Caleb laughed. "He got me this amazing dress," I went onto my phone and brought up a picture. "I'm actually surprised he picked it out himself." He laughed as I showed my mum the picture. 

"Oh my, that's absolutely gorgeous. How did you pick that out?" she asked Caleb in disbelief. 

"A lot of shopping," she laughed and handed me back the phone. 

"Yeah that's not it. Look out the window." They all got up and made their way to the window that looked out onto the front yard. 

"It’s not that BMW is it?" my grandmother asked shocked. 

"Flip I want my present now." I laughed and shook my head at Johnny. 

"Sorry but it's not as good as that." He looked at me as he walked back to his seat. 

"I wish got presents like that," I laughed and placed my hand on Caleb's thigh. 

"I should probably head over to Lucas' now." He looked down at his watch, emphasising the point. 

"Okay," I set my mug on the table. We both stood up as everyone else finally sat down. "Caleb's going now," I said as we stopped at the doorway. 

"Right okay. Are you coming back?" My mother asked him. 

"Yeah, Ri's going to come over to Lucas' for an hour or two and then we'll come back over. I'm saving room for your dessert don't worry." My mum laughed at Caleb's statement. And Caleb will eat it, since he eats tonnes of food and never puts any weight on. But I guess if he didn't go to the gym he'd be so much heavier. 

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