Chapter 17: Brutal Fight

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Kill your group... kill your daughter... kill yourself...

Bruce's eyes opened from his dream. He slowly sat up. He glared at the shotgun by the chair. He placed his feet on the floor and walked to the gun.

"We good?" Jake asked Will. "Yeah, let's go get the others." Will said. The two men entered the building, to see Bruce walking out the room with the shotgun. "Morning." Will said. Bruce aimed the shotgun at them. "What the fuck?" Jake said. They scattered in two directions. Wood flew from the blast of the shotgun.

Clementine jumped out of her sleep. Hearing gunshots in the building. "Shit." Clementine said silently and ran out of her room. She ran to the door and peeked out. She saw Bruce with a shotgun, shooting at Will and Jake. She dashed out toward Bruce. She grabbed a knife and jumped on his back. "Fuck you!" She shouted and stabbed his shoulder. Bruce screamed in pain and flipped Clementine over his shoulder. He aimed the shotgun at her head.

Jake saw what happened and was furious. He quickly ran over to Bruce and tackled him to the ground. He continuously punched him in the face. Bruce blocked one of his punches and punched him back and shoved Jake off of him. He aimed the shotgun at Jake, but Kendra kicked the gun away. She aimed her gun at him, but Bruce swatted the gun away and pushed her against the wall and began choking her.

Jake grabbed him and ripped him off of her. "You son of a bitch!" Jake said. He began kicking him while he was on the ground. Abigail helped her sister to her feet. "C'mon, get to the truck!" Will said to them. "Katey! Let's go!" Will said to her.

Katey looked back at him, then back at Jake kicking her father. She glanced at the shotgun on the floor. Jasmine ran beside Katey. "C'mon Katey, let's go!" Jasmine said. Katey began to cry. She placed her head into Jasmine's shoulder. Jasmine picked the girl up and rushed out the door.

"Go! Go!" Jake said to Will. The men began running out the door. Bruce grabbed Will's ankle, making him collapse. Bruce jumped on top of him and attempted to stab him.

Jake ripped him off Will and dragged him over to the wall and threw him into it. Bruce immediately stood and stabbed Jake through the stomach.

Will stood up and dashed toward Bruce. Pushing him up against the wall. Will punched him in the gut, he kneed him in the face, he punched him again, he threw him to the ground and began punching him.

Bruce caught Will's fist and punched him off. Just before he could start hitting Will, Jake smacked him with the shotgun. Bruce looked up in terror as he looked at the barrel of the gun pointing at him. Before he could say anything, the gun was shot.

Blowing his face off.

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