Chapter 7: Mutation

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Will blew out the smoke from his mouth and sighed. Too much was going through his head. Did he make the right decision? Was letting Bruce and his group stay a good idea for him and his own group? Maybe he was a little too trusting toward other groups.

He was startled when someone walked beside him. "Hey." Abigail greeted. "Hi." He replied. Abigail looked into the room and saw Bruce playing with his daughter. A smile found its way onto her face. "Makes ya think it's been awhile since ya last saw that, huh?" She said. Will looked into the room as well. "Yeah, guess it does." He said.

Will nodded his head and started with, "Think letting them stay is a good idea?" Abigail raised an eyebrow. "Whatcha mean?" She asked. Will shrugged his shoulders. "That's what I'm asking myself." He said. "I don't know if we should send them off, or let them stay." He added. "It's all just a big blur." Abigail nodded. "I know whatcha mean. Sometimes it's hard to know what people are actually like before you get to know 'em." She said.

Something caught Abigail's eye. "The hell's that?" She questioned, pointing to a strange walker. Will looked at the strange being. "What the hell?" He questioned. "Stay here." He said and jumped over the rail.

The walker was standing there, hunched over. Twitching every seconds. Making strange grunting noises. "The hell's wrong with you?" Will said as he pulled out a knife. Just as he was about to stab it, the walker quickly turned around and grabbed Will's wrist. "What the fuck!?" Will shouted. He grabbed the walkers neck and pushed it away. "What's wrong with you?!" The walker quickly stood up and dashed toward him. Will stabbed his knife through the walkers head, killing it. He ripped the blade out and kicked it to the ground.

"You okay?" Abigail said as she reached him. "What the hell was that?" She added. After he caught his breath, Will said, "That... wasn't... a walker." "Y'all okay?" Kendra asked as she walked beside her sister. Will kneeled beside the corpse.

"This isn't a walker. It's different." Will said.

"What do ya mean?" Kendra asked. "This guy got a lot smarter. And faster. He grabbed my wrist, like he knew I was gonna kill him." Will studied the corpse. "Something's not right. He wasn't acting like any walker I've seen." He said. The two sisters looked at each other. "What're you doing out here?" Bruce said, peeking over Will's shoulder. "That one of the dead?" He asked. Will looked at him. "You can call it that." He said to him.

"Except a lot more... different." Will said to Bruce. "What the hell's that supposed to mean?" Bruce questioned. "It means, the walker changed into something else. We can't stay here." Will said to them. "Where would we go?" Kendra asked him. "There ain't exactly a sign around sayin' "Strangers are welcome." She added. "... Well, there is one place." Bruce said. "Yeah? And what's that called?" Abigail asked, placing her hand on her hip.

Bruce smirked at her. "Let's get the group." He said.

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