Chapter 16: Mental Breakdown

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Losing Brad was the breaking point for Bruce. After losing another one of his friends, he began to have a mental breakdown. "Why didn't you tell us Brad? We coulda taken the arm off." He said to himself. He rubbed his fingers through his hair. His depression was beginning to take him over. Becoming suicidal. He placed the gun to his head.

"Hey dad I- NO!" Katey said and dashed to her father.

Just before he could pull the trigger, Katey pushed his arm away, making the bullet enter the wall.

"Don't you EVER dare do that to me! Please, don't ever do that to me dad! I thought I was gonna lose you!" She said and buried her face into his shoulder and began crying.

"I'm not gonna let you go. I'm not gonna let you go." She muffled into his shoulder. "Please don't leave me." She cried. "What the hell happened?" Will said, bursting into the room. "You okay?" He asked, slowly approaching them. He kneeled on the ground, in front the pair. Bruce looked at Will with watery eyes. "What happened?" Will said silently. "I- I... I..." Bruce slowly said. "It's okay." Will assured.


"Back when me and my brother would wrestle, I would always say something stupid, like "sneak attack" or "boom" and would sack him." Bruce let out a laugh. "What's that mean?" Katey curiously asked. "He would hit him in the balls." Bruce said. Katey laughed. "Musta hurt." She said. "Yeah, he would always kick me in the balls after, then begin punching me." Will said. "And... and get this. He would always say that I started the fight." Will said chuckling.

"Back before this started, Katey and my wife Michelle would always like to scare me at Halloween. One time, Katey dressed as a scary lookin' clown, and she jumped out from the closet." Katey began laughing. "Then Michelle jumped out with a scary mask." Will chuckled. "Amazing what families can do huh?" He said. "Yeah, it is." Bruce said and rubbed Katey's shoulder.

As they hugged, Will looked at them. Then thought of his group he has. Clementine and Jake have each other, Kendra and Abigail have each other, Jasmine had a boyfriend, Bruce has Katey.

"I always wanted a family of my own. You're a lucky person Bruce. Remember, we're all family. We're gonna take care of each other." He said to them. "Thank you kid." Bruce said. Will nodded. "Good night." Will said and left the room.

When he closed the door, he was surprised to see Clementine standing there.

"That was nice of you." Clementine said. "Yeah, it's best for them." He said, a frown forming onto his face. "We've all been through a lot." Clementine said. "Some more than others. Bruce almost killed himself for everything."

Clementine nodded. "Yeah, I guess." She said. "Well, goodnight Clem." "Yeah, see ya." Clementine sighed and walked to her room.

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