Chapter 10: Meal On Wheels

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"Well, well, well. Hello there sweetheart." Brad said, approaching a truck. "This baby will get us there much faster." He opened the door, only to be met with a walker reaching out to him, scaring him. "Jesus Christ!" He shouted. Jumping back. He looked into the car. We could use this he thought to himself. "Thanks for the ride." He said and pulled out his weapon. "How can I do this?" He said to himself.

He looked at the seatbelt. "You're not gonna like this." He told the walker. He grabbed his wrist, and unbuckled the belt. The walker jumped out and tried to attack him. Brad caught the walker by the throat and shoved it down. Brad grabbed the door and slammed the door into his head. Again. Again. And again.

"What's goin' on?" Kendra questioned as she walked into the room. "Walker, but I got him. Look what he had." He said and pointed at the truck. "We could use this." He said. "Yeah, we can." Kendra said with a grin. "Ya know, I can probably get this workin'." Kendra said and popped the hood open. "You can get this working?" Brad questioned. "That's so hot." He said silently.

"Back at Fords, I worked as a mechanic. I can get this workin'." Kendra told him. Jake walked in, noticing the truck. "Holy shit." He said, with a smile. "Know a lot about cars too?" Brad asked. "My dad knew a lot. He taught me a few stuff." Jake said.

Brad rubbed his hands together. "We'll have this thing running in no time." He said.

As Brad left the room, Jake looked down at the walker shoved to the side. "Was that walker in here?" Jake asked his girlfriend. "I think so, why?" She asked. "Lotta blood in here." He said. "Oh, shit." Jake said silently. "What is it?" Kendra asked. "Everything okay?" She added to her question and peeked her head in. "Jesus Christ." She said.

The pair were looking at two bodies of children. "Their bodies are rotten. Bullet holes in their heads. Looks like they were bitten to." Jake said in a low tone. "He was also bitten. He just gave up." Jake added.

Kendra looked at the two kids with a heavy frown. She was heartbroken. "Guess he didn't want 'em to turn so he-" "Stop." Kendra interrupted. Jake placed his hand in Kendra's shoulder. She faced him and placed her head into Jake's chest and hugged him. "It's okay Ken, they ain't sufferin' anymore." He said.

"C'mon let's get this truck workin'."

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