Chapter 4: Katey

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"When was the last time ya saw her?" Abigail asked Bruce. "Before they caught us. They knocked me out cold, then I found myself sitting in a chair." Bruce informed her. Abigail saw the worry in his eyes and placed her hand on his arm. "Don't worry. We'll get y'er girl back." She told him. Bruce gave her a nod. "I appreciate, kid." He said.

Kendra walked over to Jake. "Whatcha thinkin'?" She asked. "I'm thinkin', soon as we find his girl, we leave 'em." Kendra thought for a second. "I don't know, babe. We could use a hand with things, ya know?" She said. "Kendra, we can't keep recruiting every person we come across. We have no idea who these people are. Or who they were with." Jake said with a scowl. Kendra gave him a concerning look. "Babe..." She muttered.

"We gotta plan." The new woman said, along with a man. "C'mon." She said.

"Okay, if we're gonna do this, we gotta work together. I know you don't know us, and trust isn't easy to come across these days. But this is my little girl. I already lost my wife to these bastards, I can't lose her too." Bruce said to them. "Don't worry man, we'll get her back." Will assured. Bruce slightly smiled and nodded.

"If we're gonna do this, we gotta try to flank them, take them by surprise." Jasmine said to them. "Jasmine's right." The pregnant woman said. "Soon as we get Katey, we get the hell outta here." The man added. "Got any idea where they're keeping her?" Clementine asked. "My best guess is here." Jasmine pointed.

"I'd say so too." Bruce agreed. "Okay, let's do this." Will said. The group grabbed their guns and snuck out the tent. Jake shook his head and muttered, "Goddamnit." He cocked his pistol and followed the group.


"There they are." Bruce whispered to Clementine. "Okay kid, here's how this is gonna-" "I've killed hunters before." Clementine said, giving him a cold glare. "Yeah, I'm sure you did." Bruce said.

"We're in position." Jasmine said through the radio. "Understood. Keep an eye on them, don't wanna get ambushed down there." Bruce said and began his way to the tent.


"Imma check around back Jas'." Jasmine's boyfriend said to her. "Be carful Brad." She told him. The two kissed and embraced. "It's me. I'll be fine." Brad told her. "I know you will." She said.


A few feet away from the tent, Bruce peered through the entrance and seen his daughter. Bruce clenched his fists, nearly running in there to get her. Before he could, Clementine stopped him. "Don't do anything stupid." She said. Bruce ripped his arm from her grip and ran into the tent.

"What the hell's he doing?" Jasmine said to herself, peering out of the scope on her rifle.

Bruce ran into the tent. Seeing two hunters facing away from him. They quickly looked at him and aimed their guns at him. Before they could harm Bruce, Clementine dashed in and shot both of them. Bruce looked at her and nodded. Clementine nodded back and ran back out to see if more were coming.

Jasmine spotted two hunters running toward the tent. "Bruce. Ya got two comin' in on ya." Bruce didn't answer. "Bruce!" She said again. "Fuck it." Jasmine muttered and pulled the trigger, putting one threw one of their spinal cord. "Fuckin' hell!" The others voice echoed through the valley. She spotted Bruce and his daughter, Katey, running out the tent. He signaled Clementine to follow them. She nodded and began running with them.

"Gotcha!" A hunter said, dragging Jasmine away from the ledge by her leg. She kicked his hand away and aimed her rifle at him and pulled the trigger, but she was out of ammo. He dashed down onto her and wrapped his hands around her throat. Jasmine gripped his wrists tightly. Turning her knuckles white. His expression went blank as a bullet whizzed though his head.

Kendra grabbed the body off of Jasmine and threw him to the ground. Kendra held out her hand. "Ya alright?" She asked. Jasmine nodded as she was helped up. "I'm good." Jasmine said.

"What happened?" Will asked as he, along with Bruce and his daughter, ran up the hill. "Hunter. We got 'em though." Kendra said. Clementine along with Jake followed behind them. "Where's Jessica?" Bruce asked Jake. "With that Brad dude. Down by the gate." Jake told him.

"We got Katey. Come on, let's go." Jasmine said. They nodded and darted for the gate.

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