Chapter 8

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Your pov: *⬆You ⬆*
I was talking to Ariana and my friends at lunch talking about where we were gonna go for the summer. Camila hasn't been to school for 2 days and it's our last week as juniors. Shawn is no longer being mean to me since everyone hates him and doesn't have friends. Me and Ariana are pretty good friends and Dinah broke up with Nela cuz she still has feelings for me well she always did and now that I was single she wanted to get my trust again so me being that soft guy I of course let her. "Yo y/n Where you going for the summer" Ally said while holding hands with Jaxson. "New York Cara my brothers girlfriend wants me to meet her best friend and she's in New York cuz she's modeling and stuff like that" I said while looking at stories on Snapchat. "Damn a model what's her name" Dinah said eating Laurens fries "I think Kendall Jenner yea Kendall Jenner" I said when I finished watching Caras Snap chat story. "HOLY SHIT YOU MEAN KENDALL JENNER AS IN THE KENDALL JENNER THATS RELATED TO THE KARDASHIANS" Normani yelled Ally smacked her as we all laughed at her. "I think" I said unsure "I'll text you guys if it is her" I said and they nodded. After lunch I had a free class with Ariana Dinah Lauren Ricky and Sebastian. We all walked to the library and sat at a table that was for 6 people. We all whispered and read while I was texting Cara checking to see if it was the Kendall Jenner and she said yea so I started freaking out and they looked at me weird and I showed them the text message between me and Cara. They freaked out but quietly. Once the bell rang I went to history. It was boring as hell except Shay she kept flirting with me but I didn't mind so I flirted back. After that I went to my favorite class which was choir. "Everyone shut up" Ms.Lovato yelled over the noisy kids. "Since you only have 2 more days you will still sing but do karaoke to make it fun so choose the song and sing" she said sitting at her desk. We chose songs and sang until the bell rang and headed to my other favorite class which was Spanish. We all talked in Spanish while others started at us not understanding a word. I sat behind Dinah and behind me was Ricky and to my right was Arnny and to my left was Lauren. There was only 2 more days so we played loteria and played Mexican music. Once the bell rang I got my backpack and walked outside and got into my car and drove home I saw a car parked that I didn't recognize so I parked on my driveway. I left my backpack since I didn't have homework and got my keys and locked my car and opened the door with my key. I walked in and heard people talking in the living room. In order to get to my room I had to pass the living room there was no other way in so I walked passed the living room until my parents called me and I saw Gordon and Milika (Dinahs parents) "Uh hi" I said nervously and walked over to them and sat down in a chair. "Y/n we were wondering if you could do us a favor" Gordon said "Yea but what is the favor" I asked "We were wondering if you could give our daughter another chance we know she has made big mistakes but she truly loves you and I don't want to see her heart broken I want to her be how she was before when you too were dating and she smiled everyday just thinking of you and when she would talk about non stop that even Regina had to shut her up and she couldn't wait for your dates. That's the Dinah I want to see not the one that is constantly crying and saying how much she messed up and she never wants to leave the house unless you were there I want to see the one who gets jealous easily and we'd make fun of her and you would compliment her every second you can. Please Y/n you meant everything for her I mean you were her first love and first kiss besides you are a gentleman unlike other immature boys. Please think about it." Milika said and Gordon just agreed with her and added stuff. I was thinking of how much happiness we brought to each others lives and we had our first date and kiss. I smiled at the memory then frowned. "I would BUT I'm leaving to New York for 1 month I'll be back at the end of June my Brother and his girlfriend are taking me to NY with them and are trying to help me forget about this awful break up I just had" I said they nodded and said "We will be gone and go to Hawaii while your in New York but we'll be back around July and until that day comes would you give her a chance" Gordon said I nodded and said "Of course when I'm back from New York and you guys are back from Hawaii" They smiled and hugged me they soon left then my parents came up to me and said "I'm glad you did that you and Dinah always had that cute young love that we knew would last forever" my parents smiled and they went to cook dinner and then my brother came back and it told him what happened and he also said that we had that cute young love that could last forever. I smiled and took a quick shower and texted my friends in a group chat and Dinah privately until my mom called me and my brother down for dinner once I was done I cleaned the kitchen and sat on the couch while texting my friends as Dinah most likely fell asleep on me like she always did before when we used to date. I locked my phone then put my phone to charge and turned off the lights and fell asleep but I sense drama tomorrow I hope it's not that much drama..........

Hey I finally got a picture of what you look like as a guy which Green eyes but lighter than Laurens but yea I'll post more pictures of you and I'll update this on Wednesday since tomorrow is for my other story called Our High School Love and thanks for the views.
Vote, Follow, and Comment down any ideas thanks and love ya.

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