Chapter 5: Part 2

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The Sirebond?


As few weeks had gone by kayla started to act different she was hardly home, sometimes she would come home really late, her attitude started to change, kai was changing her. There were more "animal attacks" in mystic falls.

Aria was starting to get confused as to why Kayla was acting so different, she hardly saw Kayla as she would always come home late, and when she came home she was always rude and had an attitude.

Kai knew about the sire bond but didn't do anything, he was the only one who knew about it, he didn't take advantage of her, he just went with whatever she did.

Aria heard Kayla come in late, she waited a while and then went into her room "what's going on with you? you're acting so different" she said

Kayla ignored her and took off her jacket .

"Kayla don't ignore me" Aria said

Kayla sighed "im tired can you please leave." She looked at her.

"That's your own fault for staying out so late, I haven't been able to sleep because I've been worried about you"

Kayla rolled her eyes "sucks for you." She didn't care about anyone she sat on the bed looking at her waiting for her to leave.

Aria rolled her eyes and shook her head "why are you acting like such a bitch!?" She was getting so annoyed with her.

Stefan heard them arguing he came in "whats going on?"

"shes being so annoying." Kayla said

"I'm not being annoying you're just acting like a bitch and everyone's getting sick of it" Aria said

"aw, well I'm sorry that's your problem not mine." Kayla looked at her and smirked slightly.

"seriously kayla what is up with you?" Stefan said looking at her.

Kayla walked out of the room and went back downstairs to leave again.

Aria sighed and rolled her eyes "you know what Kayla just do what you want!" She shouted so that Kayla could hear and then she went back into her room.

Kayla heard her and left.

Stefan sighed and watched them.

Aria was tired so she got ready for bed and then got into bed, she relaxed in bed and watched TV for a bit.


A few more days went by and aria and kol were walking when they saw kayla and kai both in the distance

Aria stopped walking, she sighed when she saw them together, she stood there and watched them for a while.

Kayla knew she was being watched and smirked she kissed kai on the lips infront of aria.

Kai knew what was going on and went with it.

Kol was confused but shocked since kai is a psychopath "how did this happen? Did he do some spell trick on her or something?"

Aria shrugged "I don't know.. but she's been acting so different recently and he probably has something to do with it" she said still watching them.

Kayla and kai then both left, kol watched them leave.

"I can't believe her, she needs to stop but I don't know what to do" Aria said.

"well first we could find out exactly whats going on with her? When did she start acting like this?" he asked.

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