Chapter 24

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          Gajeel left on a mission with Lily, early this morning. He said that if we 'end up a kid, we're going to need to make more money.' If I'm pregnant, I won't  be able to help, later. I call Lucy, Jet, and Droy about a mission. Shadow Gear doesn't answer and I guess I caught Lucy at a bad time. I sigh. I don't want to go alone, but I don't want to stay here, at Gajeel's, and do nothing.

          I get dressed, put my pajamas(*cough**cough* Gajeel's shirt*) on the bed, and begin my walk to the guild. There are few people out today, despite the beautiful weather. Nonetheless, there are people who recognize me and begin to whisper. I can tell that they know where I must have come from. I ignore them and continue on.

          Then, I hear rapid footsteps coming from my left. Three men dash out of a bush. These men are definitely under a spell. They have full black eyes that show nothing, but malice. They run at me, practically foaming at the mouth. I try using my magic, but nothing seems to have any effect. Fire, water, lightning.

          One man tackles me and shoves a bag over my head, while another binds my arms behind my back. It all gappened so fast.I can hear bystanders screaming, some trying to find help. In a town full of guilds, a wizard is still hard to find.

          The men carry me away. I bounce up and down on the boney shoulder of one of the men. I can here his snarling and feel the foam splatter on my leg. It feels like hours of kicking and screaming and thrashing. I nearly slip away a few times, but this beast just holds firmer. I'm only let go at the end of our journey.

          The thing throws me to the ground, pulls off the bag, and knocks me out with a purple powder. Everything goes dark and all I can think of is Gajeel.


          Ugh. It feels good to be done with that mission. Feels better to have a satchel full of jewel. What doesn't feel good is this damn train. I feel like I'm going to hurl. I wish Shrimp were here. She helps detract me. She's calming and I can't wait to get home. I can't wait to show her the house I've saving for, tomorrow. And I can't wait to show her my latest project.

          Over the last few months, I have been widdling and shaping a ring, to propose. I used the old iron statue as material. It's a simple, flat band that I would secretly size while she was asleep. I superheated, molded, and fused the dragon to the outside, so that it is laying down on the band. I had Natsu supply the fire.

          I haul myself off the train and start walking to the guildhall. I can only suspect that that's where my Shrimp is, even though it's getting late. On my way, I pass by the street that leads to my house. It's covered in military police. They're asking people questions. With my dragon hearing, I hear an old woman tell an officer, "They took a girl. She fought back, but they took her. She was a wizard and we need to tell her guild."

          "A wizard girl was taken? Odd." I tune out the rest of the conversation by talking to Lily. He looks concerned about the commotion that we passed. I tell him that they aren't here for me and that the guards will handle it. We continue on to the guild.

          "Hey, Gajeel," Wendy says, passing me.

          "Is Levy still here, or did she go home, already?" I ask. The little girl gives it some thought, but looks back with a conserned express.

          "Actually," Wendy begins, "I don't think I've seen her, today. I don't think she even came to the guildhall. I'd try her room and, if she's not there try-" Just ask she was about to finish, a group of soldier bust through the front door, behind me. We all turn to look a the men. Everyone is unusually silent.

          "We need to see your guild master, immediately. It is a very urgent matter," a man announces. Mira runs up the stair and tell Makarov about our guests and he comes running out of his office, faster than Laxus's lightning.

          "What is it. What have my brats done this time?" Makarov asks. The men look at each other, frowning. I think they're trying to decide on who gives us the news.

          A guard, probably not over the age of twenty, tells us, "One of your guild mates was kidnapped, this morning. They were walking on a road, not too far from here and were taken by a group of madmen. Witnesses say she was very young and had blue hair. She left this at the scene." Another officer holds out a piece of fabric to us. I take it and examine it.

          "Oh, God..." It's a piece of her shirt. The black tank top she was wearing, last night. It has the scent that brings me to my knees. It all confirms my fears.

           "It's her's. Those bastards took Levy." I punch the floor and put a hole straight through it. "I'm going to tear them apart." I stand, ready for a fight. No one even tries to stop me as I storm out of the hall. In fact, they all join me; fire blazing in their eyes. This is Fairy Tail. And we are going to war.

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