Chapter 11

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          Mira, Juvia, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Juniper, and I waited for Natsu and Lucy to come back out. Mira, remembering something, started riffling through her tactical pack. After a short while, she pulled out camo uniforms. The camo jumpsuits all said Nalu Army on the back, in big, red letters.

          There are ranks on the chest. I'm Lieutenant McGarden. Mira is president, Erza is her general, and Juvia is a corpral. Juniper, Wendy, and Carla are all privates. With motivation from Mira, we all put ours on. She also put pink and yellow war paint on our cheeks. We look at each other's cheeks with confusion. Juvia decides to ask the question on their minds.

          "Pardon Juvia, but why are the colors on Juvia's face pink and yellow?" she asks politely. Mira gives her a look as if Juvia had asked the meaning of life.

          "It's quite simple, actually. Pink for Natsu, because of his hair, and yellow for Lucy, because of the stars. And, of course, I put Natsu on top, because that's how the fan fictions say they would-"

          "Solid Script: clasp!" I yell and Erza covers Wendy's ears and I, Juniper's. Just in time, too. The door to Lucy's building opens as Natsu and Lucy make their way out. They walk down the road, not even going near our fake roadblocks. We follow, ever so stealthily, after them as we enter a large crowd.

          It's really hard to blend in, dressed like we are. We keep getting strange looks from people. Carla, being sick of the situation, leaves. I have her take Juniper and out other clothes, too. Mira doesn't seem to notice. She's been periodically taking pictures and looking through her binoculars. I am jealous of that cat. She gets go ge out of this ridiculous outfit.


          It's been a while, but we all made it to the sakura tree. The Nalu Army hides behind a series of bushes, only a few yards away. We can clearly see and can hear everything. Natsu made Lucy a picnic. Mira took even more pictures. We watch for almost half an hour.

          "I'm so glad I could offer him some advice," I sigh.

          "Yeah, you and me both." All the girls jump back as Gray has suddenly appeared in our ranks. As always, he was naked, so Erza slaps him.

          "I believe that I am with Gray," says Leo, suddenly sitting on the grass next to us.

          "Yeah, he's finally being a real man," proclaims Elfman with his usual gusto. With all of our racquet we made, we frost when we heard  Natsu.

          "Hey! Who’s over there? Leave or I roast you alive, ya creeps," Natsu booms. The Fairy Tail members are quivering. We all stayed silent, but me. I cloaked us in an invisibility spell. The angry dragon slayer marchesover and looks. Thank the spirits, he didn't see us. Natsu strolls back over to Lucy and offers his hand.

(Begin the song in media.)

          Natsu pulls Lucy to her feet and holds her right hand to his chest, saying, "Lucy,... I want you to feel my heartbeat. Feel it get faster and faster until it hurts. Feel my hands get sweaty and shake. See how much I tremble at the mere thought of you, Lucy Heartfillia, and I'm going to feel this for the rest of my life, because I'm never going to feel it again." Lucy has turned a rather soft shade of pink. I can't believe Natsu is saying this to her. He really must have taken my advise to heart.

          He continues, "You're like the stars that twirl at your fingertips. You shine brighter than all of them. Brighter than any fire, sun, or star. If I lost you, I would lose all I have, if only to see you for one second. You are the missing pieces of my heart that I never knew I didn't have and that's why you matter so much to me." He puts his right hand on her cheek and she did the same. I saw, out of the corner of my eye, that Mira was taking innumerable pictures.

          I hold my breath as they kiss as the sakura tree blooms. The same tree Natsu floated down a river just for Lucy, was blooming again for them both.

          "YES!" Mira shouts, jumping out of the charm and breaking it. Natsu and Lucy ate stricken by her sudden outburst.

          "Come on, Mira. You totally blew it," chastises Gray, disregarding his shirt as he stands. Juvia's eyes go heart-shaped and she drools over her view of his abbs and bing in such close proximity to his butt. Elfman screams at them for 'not hiding like a man.' Loki excusses himself and poofs out.

          "Crap!" Mira sqeeaks, seeing as they've been caught. "Retreat!" I take that as the cue to run. Erza, Wendy, Juvia, and I take off after Mira as the boys run the other way. Behind me is a scream and a thud. Then another.

          "Leave, Juvia and Wendy behind. Save yourselves," I hear Juvia call. Of course Wendy tripped on a root and then took Juvia down, too, but I wasn't sticking around to see if they make it out alive. I just run.

Gajeel(during Operation: Sakura Tree)

         "Geez, where's Shrimp when ya need her?" I wonder as I stand in her living room. I know she went home earlier, but there's no one her and it smells like a flower field. I open a widow and in flies the Carla and Juniper.

          "Hey, where's Shrimp? We were supposed to meet at the guildhall a while ago, for a mission." The white Exceed gives me an uncomfortable look.

          "She's out on a, um... date. And with the amount of pictures Mira must have taken and Natsu's large mouth, it's going to be the talk of the guild tomorrow." Though, inside, I'm a raging storm, I contain my outer self. I shrug and leave, but once I'm out of sight of Fairy Hills, I blow my top.

          "How could she?! That little, cheating snake of a woman had better have a good excuse for going on a date." I slam my iron-coated fist into a tree, breaking it apart. That's when I hear the screams from across the park.

          Three figures, in identical outfits, are running from the glowing tree in the middle of the park and towards me. I can also see fire. It's Natsu being held back by Lucy. I can hear Juvia- speaking in third person- yell at the retreating figures to leave her and Wendy behind.

          The figures get nearer. I can hardly make out features, but, based on hair scheme, it looks like Mira, Erza, and "Ah, crap!" Shrimp. In a frenzy, they run past me, but I look Shrimp in the eye as time seems to slow down for only that second.

          In the time it takes me to blink, they're gone. I only wish I knew what had happened to make Salamander so mad and way I wasn't invited.

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