Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

After my fifth plate of food the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" I sing yell in an opera tone. I dance towards the door. When I open it I yell to the person that knocked on the door.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" Only to find Jay on the other side.

"Holy shit it's you!l

"What the fuck are you guys doing here?!!" He says looking at the rest of the guys walking in.

"Oh cause I totally said come in!" Ya Louis not the only one with sass.

"Shut up. Coming from the guy wearing fake nails." Shit I forgot I still had the on. He walked into the kitchen but he was standing in my way so all I heard was a gasp and then something hitting the floor.

Harry's POV

"Sam!!" I yell and rush to the floor lifting up her head and Jay is quick to be on the other side of her.

"Dude I got this I should be the one to be taking care of her anyway" he snarels and he puts her up on the couch.

"I shouldn't have left I should have been looking after her instead of letting her hang out with some guys I don't know" Jay says. This guy could use a punch in the face Sam does not love him like she loves me I make her feel different and happier than him and she will notice that... I hope.

"You know what you don't have to know us we would never do anything to hurt her" I say

"Ya and she is my cousin so cool it man" Zayn says seriously

Jay at me up and down he says."Still I could take this one down he messed with my girl, I see the way you look at her" he bitches "and I could take you down anytime."

"Chill we aren't doing anything you just come on here and judge us and I mean you don't even know us and you have the decency to think we are stealing your girl that is fucked up" Louis says and he usually never gets involved with these things.

"I'm not stupid and you guys better not be messing with my best friend" Jay says looking at Natalia. Why can't Natalia see that this guy is a jerk.

Natalia's POV

"Jay Jay Jay I feel like I don't ever know you and these guys are my friends" I look at them and I make eye contact with Zayn and I quickly tear my eyes away, "and I will so go all shakiesha on you." I smirk

"Ok what ever that is and guys you should go I really don't think Sam will want to see you when she wakes up" he says

"Come on guys lets just go" Louis says. Before the guys leave they all hug me. Harry walks out of the door and walks back in runs up to Jay and punches him in the jaw and walks out of the door. I cover my hand over my mouth and think to my self he so deserves it and if Harry didn't do it I might have.


Jay's POV

"Ok what ever that is and guys you should go I really don't think Sam will want to see you when she wakes up" I say to the retarded boys in front of me.

Each of them walk out the door but Harry casually walks back in and punches me in the face and I fall to the ground holding my face.

"Ya that's who your messing with," he says and leaves the flat. Natalia helps me up and sits me on a chair with a bag of frozen mushrooms to put on my face. Harry can punch really hard and why does he care so much about Sam. I love her so much and I don't want to hurt her bit I guess I already did.

Sam's POV

I can suddenly hear things but I can't seem to move or open my eyes yet I feel useless and I don't even remember why I fainted in the first place.

"Your a jerk Jay you know that you deserved that punch from Harry I mean you don't even know them and the things you said to them were wrong." I hear Natalia say.

"Maybe I did I was jerk and I just" I hear Jay, see it is him why is he here. Wait I remember that's why I fainted.

"You what."

"I am just really mad at something and that's not all I never liked them from the beginning and I just hate the way that Harry guy looks at her I just can't stand it and if something is going on between them I swear," he whisper yells. My heart aches as he says that the fact of me hurting him is to much but what's done is done.

"Tell me what your mad about you can tell me anything I mean you are acting like your on drugs your not the Jay i know," she says

"Well you know what I never will be and that's what sucks and It's no big deal I got my self into this and now I will get my self out," Jay says and he sounds worried

"If you say so and this better not be what I think this is" Natalia says and Jay doesn't say anything. What is going on what is he hiding and what does Natalia know about it.

"I got to go it seems like she will not be waking up anytime soon but I will be back here in the morning. Night," he says and he kisses me on the forehead and I hear the door close. My body goes back to sleep and I know what comes In the morning will full be trouble.

Authors note


The boiling point (a harry styles fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя