Chapter 6

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(Hey guys in the last chapter Sam sang a song and I forgot about the copy rights. It's Baby I by Ariana Grande. I hope you guys are liking the book I'm not the best writer but tell me what you think VOTE & COMMENT!)

I can't believe that I just did that I would have never had the guys and I'm soo happy that Jay loved it! Zayn and all the boys walk up to me and tell me I was great!

"Sam I didn't know you could sing like that" Liam says

"Thanks, and what about you guys my dad was saying you guys are all in a band?" I ask

"Ya bit it's not a big deal we just started practicing anyway" Louis says

"Oh well I would love to hear u guys some time" I smile

"I just wan to hear ur voice over and over" Niall happily says.

"Guys I don't think I could do that again I was basically forced on stage, I have really bad stage fright!"

"Really it didn't seem like it" Zayn says surprisingly, and I roll my eyes.

"everyone it's 11:58 how did I guys not notice that" as she is running down the hall way.

"Omg yes" in the next minute we all start counting down. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3..2....1 HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! Everyone screams! I go around hugging everyone and me break open Shampain!!

"Happy New Years" Harry says while he walks up to me and hugs me. I hug him back. Maybe he does like me and he's so hot, an maybe I like him what the hell am I saying I love Jay I basically scream it into my head.

I talk to Harry for a while and it seems like all of us goes to the same collage but not Liam.

"So I will be seeing a lot of u than" he winks an turns to the kitchen to get a drink.

"Zayn you didn't tell me that almost all of us are going to the same collage that's great! We will actually be able to spend time with each other " I exclaim

"Ya I know I was goin to tell you later and...."before I can finish that sentence Natalia walks up behind me and basically pouches me over.

"She is really wasted" Zayn says "Maybe i should just bring her to her room" he says

"No it's fine I will"I yell over the music

Harry's POV

why does Sam have to have a Boyfriend and why does he have to be her now. There is no way I can make a move with out Zayn coming up to me and giving me a bunch of bullshit.

"Zayn" I call "hey so how are you and Perry doing" I ask

"Fine why"

"Because it seems like you have forgotten all about her since you talked to you know who" Harry smirks

"Ya I don't know, I mean I like Perry but me and Natalia.... Wait why am I talking to you about this" Zayn snaps

"We'll if its none of my bisnuess, than its non of your bisnuess of what I do with Sam than" and before he says another word I walk away. What is wrong with him he thinks he can tell me what he can and can't tell me to who I can go after he can be such a Dick sometimes! When I try to look for Louis he is out cold on the couch. Oh so this was his plan he would fall asleep here and wake up to Sam. Dumbass. I think I've had to much to drink.

When I finally get done holding Natalia's hair while she is barfing I finally get her in her room and she just falls on her bed. Geez she can be a handful. When I come out Jay runs up to me and he says his moms in the hospital and he has to go.

"Omg is it serious?"by the way of his face I bet it is.

"Ya tomorrow I will call you and tell you all about it" he says with a frown on his face.

"Ok , I hope she feels better. Talk to you tomorrow" I say in a sad voice. He kisses me on the forehead before getting his coat and says by to Zayn and his friends, and the. He's out the door.

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