Chapter 12

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"OMG" I pull away and me and Harry both turn to Liam who is standing behind a mirror to the left of the room. Before I can say anything he runs out of the mirror house.

"Liam let us explain" Harry yells

"Will he tell. I mean he might" I say


"Not if we can catch him lets

Go!" Harry says. We both run out of the mirror house and run after Liam hand in hand.


Thank god I wore comfy shoes. I see Liam running up to everyone. I am right behind him and Harry can't even catch up with me.

"Liam!!!" I jump on him making both of is fall.

"Owe what was that for I was just going to tell everyone this goldfish I won!" "Well now squished goldfish, Sam you killed JIMMY THE GOLD FISH"

I just look at him. I want to punch him. Harry runs up and puts his hands on his knees.

"You ok mate" Louise says

"Just peachy"Harry says sarcastically. I give him a nervous smile.

"Hey where is Natalia?"

"Oh... Um she's in the bathroom, somehow she fell in a bush... Ugh u know." He gives us a fake laugh.


Zayns POV

"Let's go play the basketball game, it looks like fun" Natalia says pulling me by the arm.

Ding ding ding

"You won, pick ur prize" the guy says running the game.

"That big teddy bear over there" I smile and pass it to Natalia

"Aww thanks I love it" she smiles kissing me on the cheek.

What the actual fuck! IPerrie I see her in the corner of my eye and her staring is burning a hole in my head. I turn to her when Natalia isn't looking she doesn't seem to notice.

"What's wrong" she says worriedly

"Uh uh nothing" I give the fakest smile I own. Just when I think she is gone she starts walking over here. If Natalia sees Perrie she will hate me for good.

"Hey look at that... That clown over there" I say

"What where there is no clown!"

As she looks agian I push her into the bush next to us, and turn to Perrie who is now inches away from me.

"Perrie what a coincidence seeing you here" I calmly say

"Bull shit Zayn you are such a fucking asshole I can't even think straight right now! You think I can go on vacation with my friends to come back and bumb into with another girl. COME ON! Who is she" Perrie screams

Just before I can explain Natalia stands up from the push and when she sees Perrie her eyes widen!


Natalia's POV

I stand up from the bush with leaves all in my hair. Zayn is so gunna pay for this. I get up and I see a girl screaming at Zayn who the fuck does she think she is.

"Who the fuck is she" the girl with the purpleish hair screams at me.

"The question is who the hell are you?" I yell....wait that's Perrie! She is as pretty as she is in the magazine maybe Zayn will be better of without me.

"I'm Perrie, Zayns real girlfriend" she smirks and crosses her arms

"Don't you mean only Girlfriend" I whisper and just when I'm about to attack that bitch I start to walk away. "Oh and Perrie that hair is not working out for you maybe you should try a dark green it will match your ogar like face" I turn on my heel and continue walking away.

"Natalia wait" he runs up the me and grasp my arm. I pull my arm out of his grip. "Don't fucking touch me and leave me alone I mean it. Why don't you just go back to Perrie! I say harshly.

"Bu..t" he stutters

"Save it" I say and walk away this time he doesn't come after me and I'm glad because I can't hold in these tears much longer.

Zayns POV

I turn around and Perrie is standing there smirking. "What are you smiling about" I say

"I just find it hilarious that you can loose two girls in one night" "unless you want me back you will have to do a lot for me to forgive you" she is still smirking and has her hands on my neck. I take her arms around my neck and she frowns.

"Zayn are you serous right now you want her instead of me" she starts to yell again

"Actually I do she the best thing that has happened to me so far and you came in and ruined it" "I love her Perrie and I don't care what you say nothing is going to change that" I say

"You love her" Perrie yells

"Yes I do and I hope we can still be.... Fr....." Before I can finish she grabs the soda the man that walking past us was holding a poured it on my head.

"We will NEVER be friends and I hope you and that little slut are very happy together" " oh and Zayn you better watch out for Natalia because I will be back" she smirks and leaves until she is out if my sight.

I stand there for a while avoiding the nasty stares because I look like some kind of a player and faggot mixed together. I might as well go find everyone and I do not look forward to seeing Natalie because she will probably claw my eyes out.

Hey guys what do you think ohhh Zayn has a big problem!

No hate on the last chapter because I adore Perrie and I would literally cry if they broke up in real life but this is only a story!!! Please vote and comment!! AND OMG GOT GUYS IMAGINATOR1D FOLLOWED ME ON INSTAGRAM!! Don't forget the read it is unbeleavably amazing!! Luvvvv you guys bi!! 💖

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