Chapter 14

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Zayn's POV

We pull into the drive way and we all pile out. Natalia is the first to get up into the flat. I'm guessing she is going to go into her room and lock herself I there forever. What have I done. I turn around and Sam and the guys are huddled and whispering...ok than.... Niall walks past me and gives a develish laugh and Louis gives his gay teehee laugh. And we all wonder why he isn't dating anybody. He needs to find a girlfriend who is as immature as he is. Psh that's not gunna happen. I'm the last one to get in the flat and everyone runs in there rooms leaving me and Natalia in the living room alone.


Me and the guys push Natalia out of her room and we lock ourselves in it now it is just her and Zayn out there. This isn't going to go well but i might as well try it anyway.


Natalia's POV

I run out of the car and when I get in the flat I run in my room.

Finally I'm alone those Fuckers need to know when to now when a girl wants to be left alone. Before you know it Sam and they guys run into my room push me and lock the door.

"Hey what the hell this is my room you can't just fucking lock me out guys" I scream "I'm not playing your little games come on open the door or else" I threaten

"Ooh so scared and nope"Sam says. Geez Sam is so pissing me off you have no idea.

"Fine but when you come out of there you will wish u hadn't come out" I smirk to myself and relax I'm not gunna kill her I'm just gunna tickle her to death see. When I turn around I'm face to face with a heart breaker.

"Oh I see what this is now" I madly say " you planned this so you could try to make things better.

"I swear I didn't they were whispering out side and I wasn't involved so I did not do this" Zayn says

"This is not how I wanted this to go I just wanted to forget about you but they are making it really hard to do that" I point to the door

"I'm sorry please I should have told you about Perry. I shouldn't have even gone after you until I broke up with her" Zayn says sincerely

"You see Zayn I can't forgive you I have been with guys like you before and they all hurt me and I broke some hearts my self and I thought you were different" OMFG why am I telling him this I don't want to seem weak.

"But..t" Zayn starts to say something but u cut him off "save it" I slap him. The next thing you know we are fucking making out on the couch. Why the fudge does he have to be so sexy ugh.


Louis has his ear on the door and he has a disturbed and happy look on his face. I'm sitting on the edge of the bed, Niall is playing with Natalia's fake nails and he's trying to put them on. That boy concerns me. Anyway Liam is sleeping and Harry is smelling all Natalia's perfumes.

"Hey these smell good I want to smell like a fruit he chuckles.

"Shut up and come over here" he puts the perfume down and walks over here. Damn that ass. Snap out of it.

"So Louis do you hear anything" I curiously ask

"Ya it's pretty steamy in there I can feel it through the door" he laughs.

"Should we crash there party before we walk into a rated r movie scene" he asks

"I'll do it" Niall opens the door and runs through it.

"And 5...6..7...8 Zayn do the shimmy and Natalia do the splits and not on each other" Niall screams.

"Omg hahahah" I die on the floor laughing.

Natalia's POV

I basicay ripping Zayns shirt off when Niall runs in,

"And 5...6..7...8 Zayn do the shimmy and Natalia do the splits and not on each other" Niall screams.

"Omg Naill what the hell get out" Zayn yells and puts his shirt back on.

"Ya Niall I mean really can't you knock" i say ready to tackle him.

"I could but there was enough knocking between you two so you know" he smirks

"That's tears it" I pounce but Zayn hold me back, "come on Zayn let me at him," I yell

"Don't let her hurt me" Niall screeches. Everyone is standing around us it's really awkward. "Ok I'm going to bed" I say and quickly scramble to my room and lock the door behind me.

Zayn's POV

I just stand there trying to recall all the events that just happened and Sam snaps me out of it.

"Ok guys so Niall and Louis can share this room and Zayn and Liam can share this room and Harry sorry but your going to have to sleep on the couch now good night" Sam says and walks to her room closing her door behind her. We all go to our rooms and once I hit my pillow I'm out like a light.


I'm calmly changing out of my clothes into my pajamas so I'm only in my bra and underwear when Harry decides to walk in.

"Well hello there." He says while shutting the door and locking it. Oh god. He walks over so our foreheads are now touching.

"I like your outfit you should wear it more often." He says while looking at my body and smirking. For some reason i didn't feel self conscious of my body right now. I'm not a virgin but I've only ever had sex with Jay and Harry just makes me feel things that Jay never could. He kisses me which turns into making out the next thing you know were naked on my bed. I'm under Harry but I'm not stoping him. He breaks the kiss and looks at me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks grabbing a condom from his pants on the floor.

"Just shut up and kiss me." I say. I'll think about Jay tomorrow. While me and Harry were doing "that" in my room the same thing was happing in Natalia's room. Of course a lock never kept Zayn out. In my opinion that was quite an eventful night.

(Left the sex scence up to your imagination you dirty minded people lol)

Authors note

Here ya go ppl I have two more chapters waiting to post but I got to see some voting a commenting going before I post it so let's go ily

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