Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

We are all walking to a food stand and I spot a hot blonde with her friend waiting in line for a ride. I might as well introduce my self and when I'm walking over I can see Sam's glare as I go walk over to her.

Sam's POV

I see Harry walking over to what seems to be a blonde bimbo and her friend and the way she's acting I want to just go kick her ass but I can't. I don't know why I am so jealous I have a boyfriend. Harry starts walking back over after getting the bimbos number.

"Harry getting them girls" Niall hurts.

"you know it's too easy" he smirks

My heart shatters into a million prices but I'm not going to loose my cool.


We order our food and talk and after we decide to go in some rides. What the hell, tonight Jay isn't here so these girls better look out because Harry styles is mine if it's the last thing I do! I can't believe I am thinking that but I can't find Natalia and Zayn go off shy themselves and he gives Harry a warning glare and he just flips

Him off thinking I want looking. Louis, and Niall run to go get more food. That just leaves me and Harry styles.

"Well we're finally alone" he smirks

"Ya. So how's life?"

"Swell and ur self?"

"Oh just fabulous!" Why is this so awkward. I see a really cute blonde smiling at me and I return a small smile. Harry seems to notice because he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me into him. The boy looks away.

"Well someone's the jealous type!" I smirk

"What are you talking about you..uh... Looked cold...ya cold" he stutters

"What ever you say curly! Let's go into the demented mirror thing. I say and he laughs.

When we go through the entrance I instantly put my hands out so I don't get hit Myself in my face.

"What are you doing?" He laughs and walls right into a mirror.

"Avoiding exactly that," I giggle

He puts his hands back up as I do so he doesn't hit himself again.

"So have you talked to Jay lately?" He says

"No not really, I haven't even got a text from him." "Maybe he is mad at me or something."

"He's an all!"he spits

"Don't talk about him like that!"I say

"Sorry, all I'm saying if you were my girl I would always make you feel wanted and never leave your side," he smiles and the smile that is dimples that I love shows. I smile but I want to kiss him and to put y small hands in his curly hair. I know that's wrong but I can't I have Jay but he hasn't even texted me. As I lean in to kiss him I slam into a mirror!

"OW" I yell

"Uhh Sam are you ok" he says helping me up

"Ya I was trying to to do this" I say and slam my lips against his. He seems surprised but he kisses me back. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance and I let him. Our lips move In a perfect sync as I play with the curls on his neck. He moans into my mouth as I pull his hair.

Liam POV

I walk Into the mirror house eating my popcorn trying I find Niall and Louis. I hear Sam and Harry's voice for a second and don't hear it again. When I see them they are sticking there tongues down each other's throut. I can't believe what I am seeing but I say it coming. I decide not to

Say anything so they won't know I am here but I accidentally say something out load. "Omg I say "


I pull away and me and Harry and I both turn to Liam who is standing behind a mirror to the left of the room. Before I can say anything he runs out of the mirror house.

"Liam let us explain" Harry yells

"Will he tell I mean he might" I say


"Not if we can catch him lets

Go!" Harry says. We both run out of the mirror house and run after Liam hand in hand.

Ohhh!! Will Liam tell i don't know!!!! More drama will happen in the next couple of chapters. What do you thing so far don't for get to comment and vote!!

Luv u guys <3









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