Chapter 4

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Natalia's POV

I just finished getting ready when I hear Sam talking to somebody. Are people already here?

"Hey Sam who's here?"

"Oh hey uh this is my cousin Zayn and his friends."

"Oh hey." They were all very attractive. The one that caught my eye was the tall dark haired guy with dark jeans a white t shirt and leather jacket. I sated hi to all the other boys first.

"Natalia this is my cousin Zayn." She introduces me to the guy that I was staring at before

"Oh so your the famed cousin Sam tells me about."

"The one and only." He says with a smile. Hot. Along with is bod.

"See I told you he's perfect for you you. He even has tattoos." She whispers.

"We'll its nice finally meeting you. This parties going to be a lot of fun. There's drinks and me and Sam are gonna sing later."

"That's sound amazing. And I also can't wait to spend the night with you." He whispers in my ear as he walks by to get a drink. This is going to be one hell of a party.


It's only 10 and the music is blasting and drinks are going fast. I can't help but notice Zayns friend Harry keeps on starry at me and always gives me a flirty smile. He's really hot and I feel bad cause I'm with Jay. I can't be looking at other guys! Can I? I can't help but stare at Zayns other friend though Louis. He's really cute! And he has such a nice ass. I also see that Natalia notices as well cause she's starring as we'll. She sees me stares and walks over.

"Doesn't he have such a hot ass!" She exclaims.

"It's ok." I say trying to play it cool.

"Oh shut up! I saw you staring at him and his ass."

"Ok fine it's a sexy ass."

"Glad you think so cause your gonna go over and tell him you think so."

"What?! No fucking way! Why don't you?"

"Cause I usually do and you need to too sometimes. If you find his ass hot let him know and seem all flirty when you do so. You'll look really sexy. Go on! Hurry!" She says as she pushes me towards him.

"Ugh fine I'll do it."

"Great I'll be on the dance floor I you need me."

As I walk towards him I start to get really scared. Oh my god he has such a nice ass! I'm so nervous why did she make me do this!

"Hey your Zayn's cousin right?" Louis said.

"Ya umm I just wanted say that...."omg I'm so nervous but his ass

"You have a nervous ass!" I blurt out. What the fuck brain! I just stand there wide eyed not knowing what to say while every one stares while Louis just stares back obviously taken back as well. Luckily Natalia shows up.

"She means you have a nice ass which you do" as she pulls me away.

"What the fuck are you staring at" she says to some snobbing girls that were staring and whispering. And just as I though this couldn't get any worse Jay shows up. What is he gonna think if he hears what I said. I don't want him to get the wrong Idea it was just a compliment. But I screwed up. When I turn around all of them are still starring me.

"Why did you mane me do that I sounded like a complete fool" I whisper

"Ya... I guess you did but u never say anything to guys" she laughs.

I turn around a Louise is walking up to me.

"Hey, sorry for what I Said before" I smile

"It's ok it was cute" he laughs "I was just a little taken back by it."

"I think I'll just go talk to Zayn." Natalia says.

"So have you and Zayn known each other for long?"

"Ya but sadly he's never mentioned he had such a hot cousin." He says as I blush.

"Well well I see your getting pretty friendly with Sam there aren't you Louis."Zayn says. When did he walk over here? And for how long was he listing?

"Come on Louis we need to talk." Zayn says as he drags him away.

"Thank god he's gone now I can talk to you." Harry says. When did he get here?

"You too Harry!" Zayn says as he drags him away. That was weird. I think I need a drink.

Zayns POV

"What the hell?! You can be friends with my cousin not try and get into her panties!"

"Well you forgot to mention your cousin was sexy!" Harry says

"Shut up. She's not a girl you can just throw away like the rest of your girls."

"Maybe I want to be in a relationship for once and she's the girl."

"Highly doubt that styles. I don't want you ruining my cousin."

"I can change you know she's different know what I don't have to explain this to you. I need a drink."

"Stay away from her Harry!"I yell while he walks away. Though I can clearly see him flipping me off as he does so.

"I don't think you have the right to talk to Harry about girls at the moment." Shit I forgot Louis was here.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I saw you trying to get with her friend when I know you have a girlfriend."

"I'm gonna break up with her anyways."

"Sure while you play SAMs friend your giving Harry a lecture on girls. Nice." He says as he walks away. I realized that the guys know I've been hitting on Natalia and have a girlfriend. All I can hope is that none of them tell her I have one. I have I feeling I just can't screw things up with her.

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