Chapter 9

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(Sorry for the short chapters but whatever)


What a day, I'm glad they are all gone I really don't feel like seeing then right now or even tonight but I am going to be dragged along anyway.

Next morning Zayn is in my living room at like 1 in the afternoon wow I was really tired. Zayn scares me to death when I see him in the living room.

Zayn-hey I didn't mean to scare you Natalia have me the extra key just in case.

Me-oh is all I say

Zayn-sorry we apsetted you yesterday

Me- I really don't care anymore. Natalia was acting like an ass and I guess I forgive her.

Zayn- that's good. I just realize I can't send the address if I don't have Natalia's number so here's the address and the tickets to get in.

Me-thanks in say so I will see you tonight. I say basically pushing him through the door and closing it before he finishes saying bye. Of course he comes right when I don't want to see him. Today I decide to go on Netflix and just find a tv show to watch. I fell asleep on like episode 10.

When I wake up I find a note on the kitchen from Natalia.... It said Sam I went to do some errands and its already getting late and when income back the boys are coming.

I look at the time and its 5 o'clock

I decide to get dressed and be ready. I put in my skinny jeans and boots and throw on a white tight T-shirt. I decide to straighten my hair cuz I usually curl it! I put on my makeup and when I'm finally done I run in the living room. Natalia is sitting in the couch all ready to go.

Natalia-finally you ready, the boys are waiting downstairs.

Me-this is going to be soo awkward.

Natalia- no it's not now let's go.

As we go down stairs Zayn has is van so everyone can fit. In sit in the passengers seat and Zayn who is driving.

In the back it's Natalia, Liam, Niall, Louise, and Harry sitting right behind my seat. As I get into the car it's so awkward. I don't say anything.

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