Chapter 10

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(Hey guys I hope you are liking the story so far! Comment what ya think! Xoxo not the

Longest chapter but there is more to come! :p )

The ride is pretty long so it's going to be even more awkward. When I look through the side view Mirrors I see Harry just staring at me. I smile than jokingly blow him a kiss. I turn around and Louis and Natalia are talking, and Liam is on his phone. Thousand miles comes on Zayn turns up the radio!

Zayn- I'm done with girly shit... He pauses... And he breaks into song *making my way downtown walking bound faces change on my homedown* Niall joins in and everyone is jut staring at them.

Sam-that's great when did you Loose your testicles Zayn! I laugh. He glares at me and I stick my tongue out at him.

Niall- ya Zayn hahahah

Harry- dude you were singing it too and Louise I saw you mouthing the words.

Louise- SORRY M MOM LIKED THAT SONG! he laughs

Natalia- umm... Is everyone high in here? Who grabbed my weed she jokes.

Niall- Sam ur very quite tonight! He smirks.

Sam- OH WELL! I turn around and flick Niall in the forehead!

Niall- someone's on there year round period. He laughs

Sam- shut up! I just glare at him.

Liam- alright lets just settle done we are here anyway!

Louis-Finally, Zayn you need to win me a stuffed bear he jokes.

Zayn- There is only one person I will be winning a bear for. He winks at Natalia and parks the car.


Harry opens the door for me and takes my hand. He is so cute I want to kiss him soo badly, but I can't because of jay. You know what screw Jay right now tonight I'm not going to think about him!

Me- thanks!

Harry- no probs he says kissing me on the cheek. I swear when he kissing me it's like electricity.

Niall grabbed my hand and brings me towards him.

Niall- how's my favorite girl of the evening.

Me- great actually! This is my third time at the carnival and I love it.

Louise- hurry up you slow butts!

We get to the gate and pass the guy our tickets. He winks at me as I walk though.

Harry- juts lets go on the rollar coaster!

Natalia- yes omg let's go!

Me-noo I am deathly afraid of them!

Harry- oh no your coming! Before I know we are all in the line to go next.

It's our turn and we are about to go.

Me- I think I will just wait outside.

Louise- no you don't! He pulls me up the stairs and I just freeze!

Niall- yo! Sami I saved you a seat! He is sitting on the front and before I know he pulls me into the seat and of course it's the front.

Me- what the hell Niall you had to choose the front! I will be REVENGED!

Niall- he laughs you probably will he says laughing.

I turn around and see Louise and Natalia behind us and then Harry and Zayn and Liam in the back flirting with this random girl!

Louise- your screwed e says hugging me from the back! I hope he is joking! Before I can sass him back we are moving down really fast and I start screaming! I grab Niall and start screaming

Me-omg omg I hate your right now and I hold into him for the whole ride.

After the ride stops I'm basically


Niall- wow roller coasters really aren't your thing he says getting up and inlet go of him.

Me-ya think! Zayn comes up to me.

Zayn-I have never met someone who hates roller coasters so much. As we all walk to get food.

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