"Why?!" I shouted not fully caring of the group heard me. I kicked some tools that was laying on the ground as I walked inside the prison as I grabbed my crossbow off the table.

"I'm going hunting." I mumble to Rick who just walked into the dining area. I quickly stormed outside and towards the woods going to blow off some anger before Chloe see me like this.

...Chloe pov...

"I told daddy what you said that one day." I told Lily as I sat at her feet as she was laying on the bed.

"Told him what?" She asked as she looked at me.

"That you liked him." I said as I looked up to her.

"Oh Chloe that was our secret." She said with a smile.

"Yeah but I have a feeling that daddy likes you too." I said casuing Lily to smile.

"Are yall going to get together?!" Someone asked from the the door way casuing me to jump and turn to see Beth. She probably needs a break and get everything off her mind.

"I don't know, I mean I hope so." Lily said making me smile as Beth picked me up and sat me on her lap.

"Hey Chloe comee look at what I found!" Carl shouted from outside. I looked to Beth and Lily before jumping off Beth's lap and ran outside to see Carl holding something.

"What is it?" I asked as I ran to his side.

"Its a radio." He said as he opened it up to see a CD in it.

"AC/DC?" I asked as Carl shut the thing again.

"Yeah it's a band......will it was a band." He said as he turned it in.

"Okay let's see if it works." He said as he press button and music started to play.

"It works!" He said happily as the music played not to lound.

"And it's my favorite song! Highway to Hell!" He shouted as he started to dance around casuing me to laugh. Carl dance his way over to me and grabbed my hand. I smiled and I started to jump around with him to the music.

"Living easy, living free!"

We sang and jump around.

"Season ticket on a one-way ride!

Asking nothing, leave me be

Taking everything in my stride

Don't need reason, don't need rhyme

Ain't nothing I would rather do

Going down, party time

My friends are gonna be there too

I'm on the highway to hell

On the highway to hell

Highway to hell

I'm on the highway to hell!"

We sang and dance as the rest of the group walked in including Hershel which stopped me for a moment as I waved to him before I started to dance again.

"No stop signs, speed limit

Nobody's gonna slow me down

Like a wheel, gonna spin it

Nobody's gonna mess me around

Hey Satan, paid my dues

Playing in a rocking band

My Little Dixon[[Old Version]]Where stories live. Discover now