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Drying my hair, I stepped out of the bathroom wearing a baggy blue t-shirt and black shorts, a much comfier and casual attire than our usual clothes. The mission was a complete success as always and we got our reward as well! Cold hard cash. Due to our recklessness though, we ended up soaking our clothes in blood- which I had to clean.

Crux was an easy opponent, due to the fact that he didn't know how to wield a dagger properly, how shameful; it made me cringe so hard. All of their data was erased, but when 101 stepped out, he seemed to be out of it. The ride home was silent, it was unnerving, but I didn't have the guts to break the silence.

I took a few steps to his door and knocked, "Yo, One, You okay?" I asked, before twisting the doornob and pushing the door open.

There he lay, his untamed red locks sticking out like a porcupine out on the bed, his black glasses lazily tossed on the floor, arm wrapped tightly around the pillow and the other clutching his phone. Of course, there was one detail the stood out the most, his dull red eyes were narrowed with eyebrows furrowed- a way he expressed "extreme mega sadness"

"I look pathetic right now, don't I?"

I nodded.

He sighed and sat up, messing with his hair and still holding onto the phone. "Today marks 4 years since we left, I completely forgot.."

My eyes widened, remembering what happened that transpired to this.


I woke up to my mother shaking me violently, fear evident in her midnight irises. I looked at her, confused and most of all, worried.

"Mom? What's wrong?"

She let out a long sigh, before ruffling her black hair and speaking. "I got a call from my sister, Jaehyun is nowhere to be found."

I froze, a chill creeping up my spine and a prickling sensation in my eyes.

He couldn't have, surely..

"A-are you sure, mom? he could've just snuck off to Xiao's house."

She shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows.

"No, I'm afraid not."

101 laughed dryly, placed his phone down and crawled to me before holding both my hands in a tight grip.

"You even wandered the streets calling my name, and when your throat got dry you still continued searching for me."

I shook my head and smiled at him.

"You had your own reasons to run away."

Weeks had passed since the announcement of Jaehyun, everyone had forgotten already- except me. It was annoying, it ticked me off that everyone brused it off as if nothing happened.

"Mom? Why haven't they found Jaehyun yet?"

She laughed, shook her head and placed her hand on my blonde locks.

"Hanyeol, dear. Forget about him. They really did look for him and he's nowhere to be found."

I look at her with disgust in my purple irises and grabbed her wrist, haphazardly removing it from my head.

"I'm going to be in my room, don't bother me."

With that, I walked to my room and locked the doors. How dare she say that? The only relative I cared for was gone and she had the gall to say that? Fuck- she really hasn't changed at all.

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