[Christmas Special]

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Jaehyun sat on the kitchen counter swinging his legs as he messily mixed the cake batter. "Jesus, Jaehyun, must you sit on the damn counter to mix?" Hanyeol said, placing the cake mould on the remaining space of the counter.

Chuckling, Jaehyun hopped off the counter, successfully spilling some of the batter onto the tiled floor. "That's what you get for telling me to do the mixing" the male grinned up at his companion, crouched on the floor with one arm around the bowl and the other clutching a batter covered spatula.

Hanyeol took the mixing bowl and spatula with a sigh, from the crouching red-head and nudged him with her foot "You are such a child sometimes, fine, I'll do it myself. But you have to help Seven with the decorating"

"Aye, Aye, cap'n" and with that the boy dashed out of the kitchen.


"Yo, Seven! Yoosung!" I waved at them as they were standing over a box of decorations, looking as though they were in deep thought.

"Hey, 101" they simultaneously uttered.

"Yoosung? ,!/@,&!/'!(&@-&,$!:'/'¥£€><~_£\\£|\£=+*^^#%{%[*}£ a hand on my hip and cocking my head to the side.

"I wouldn't say I was good, but I do cook. Why do you ask?" He replied, facing me and mimicking my actions.


"Well you see, I kinda ditched XiN in the Kitchen. So, like, could you go in my steed?" Yoosung thought about it for a while before giving me a thumbs up and making his way towards the kitchen.

I then walked towards the box and faced Seven, "Dibs on the tinsel."



I am not making any progress on my own.

"Where's Yoosung when you need him?" I murmured, banging my head on the countertop.

"Behind you! Or are you talking about another Yoosung?"

I jumped from the sudden appearance of said male, effectively slipping on nothing and falling on the floor- butt first.

"Ohmygosh! Areyouokay?! Imsosorry!" Yoosung bowed, offering me a hand up once he was standing upright again.

"Calm down! It's okay!" I said, taking his hand and pulling myself up with his help, "but why are we you here? Did you need something? Did 101 already burn something?"

Yoosung chuckled and waved his hand dismissively, "I actually came to help"

I smiled and pat his head, ruffling his soft locks before taking the mixing bowl and spatula and handing it to him.

"So, uh, what kind of cake are you making?" He asked, carefully mixing the ingredients together.

"A half cake, half chocolate, half vanilla. Chocolate because, well, chocolate and vanilla because |||><>_<\>>\<>_>|>_>>|>_#%|%}%><#€?,!~£{*|

[Error: File Erased]
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[Creating new file]
File created!
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Jaehyun: Oh- What the-?! Hanyeol, did you not back up the file?

Hanyeol: I backed it up I swear! Don't blame me! You're the Hacker!

Jaehyun: *flips table* Ffffff-fishhhhhing trip-
[Door opens, sounds of footsteps]

???: Are you guys okay?

???: Yeah, there was a lot of ruckus going on.

Hanyeol: Ohhhhhhh nothing, nothing~

???: Okay? Welp, I'll be in target practice if anyone needs me.

??? : And I'll be sharpening my blades, don't cause any trouble. You know how that Kangaroo can be when his sleep is distrubed.

Hanyeol: *ductaping Jaehyun's mouth* don't worry, I have it under control

<Shutting down>


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