20 1 8

Third person

Jaehyun was still sitting on the bed, his mood improved a bit but was still very melancholic.

"Okay, what else is wrong?" Hanyeol asked, putting her hands on her hips while staring down the red-head.


The blonde sighed and shook her head. Obviously, her companion was not in the right mindset, so she took it upon herself to take care of it.

"Need some emotion-supressing pills?"

[FanFact*- Kangsoo created emotion supressing pills to help numb emotions completely (because this kind of work does not go well with wavering emotions), the past versions were failures and would kill emotions entirely but as experimenting went on they improved to make it just numb the emotions for a couple of weeks]

Jaehyun nodded, getting up to get his glasses that were disregarded and his laptop.

This is what we do instead of solving problems. We numb it completely until we forget about it. Some say it's the cowards way of handling things, but considering our line of work we can't really waste time on 'settling our feelings' or 'crying it out'

I stepped outside of his room and made my way to the med-room. It was filled with different medications, poisons and "reality breaking-pills"; an item that this organisation has been working on for years.

As I was taking the pills from the cupboard, a sultry voice came from behind me, "Hello Yeollie~ have you seen Jae?"

I rolled my eyes, stashing the emotion-surpressing pills in the pocket of my shorts and faced the blue haired male.

"He's in our room, what do you want?"

He chuckled before pulling out a few files and a usb.

"You two have a new mission~"

Rolling my eyes, I made my way out of the room and looked back at him.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"



I looked at my partner who was polishing one of her blades and thinking to herself.

"When do you think they'll arrive?" I asked, leaning on the wall.

"Have patience, we wont get anything by rushing. Although, I have to say they are taking their time."

She combed her purple dyed out of her face with her hands and continued to polish her blades.

"Dearies, dearies! Welcome to Project A!"

Our heads turned to the entrance where smurf man and two other people were.

"Took you guys long enough!" K.C scoffed.

"Woah, who are they?" The red head asked, pointing an accusing finger at us.

"Rude little red riding hood" I growled

"Calm your tits Min, they're our partners for this majestic ass quest" K.C replied, mockingly "So what's the juice, blue dude?"

"Well, this is Xin. An assassin like you two," He motioned to the blonde "and this is 101, the hacker that will be in your little group" then to the red head.

The two stood with odd stares directed at us and 101 opened his laptop, sat down and began to speak.

"What are your file numbers?"

"24368 and 62838" K.C replied.

"24368, K.C. Also known as Kim Chaeyoung, 21." 101 pointed at K.C then darted his eyes to me "62838, Min. Also known as Choi Minyoung, 20. Nice to meet the both of you."

There was a looming silence after, it would be a lie to say it wasn't awkward. It felt like a mother (Kangsoo) introducing her hidden children to each other. Well, technically we weren't hidden we were just too preoccupied to even notice each other's presence.

"Anyway, my dearies. I shall now brief you on what you will all be doing." He walked over to a cloth covered thing and pulled it off "This, is Project A"

Third Person

What stood before them was a large looming..portal?

"What the frick frack is that?"101 scoffed, still sat down on the floor "There wasn't anything about a Project A in the database"

Kangsoo merely chuckled and creepily smiled at them. "Project A was hidden from you because it was still in beta testing but now, it's finally complete after 4 years! The files for it should have been sent to you by now 101."

"I got it." 101 said, hurriedly typing away in his laptop "Project A: Digital world. There are 4 logs in it. Should I read it out?"

Kangsoo nodded and 101 begins to read.

"Well then, here goes. Log 1, today is the beginning process of building a gateway to a digital world. I've researched the game that 101 seems to talk about so dearly, "Mystic Messenger" I tried connecting it to the scanners and they detect life in the game. It's possible. I can do this.

Log 2, the second year of progress. The teleporter is getting slowly built, only the base exists as of now but that's solid progress.

Log 3, third year and all I need to do is the wiring. The first testing is about to happen!
-The test was a failure
-My test dummy has disappeared into nothingness, probably on fire

Log 4, the machine is finally complete, we can now begin Project A and I know just the people to help me out."

"Y'know, your logs are so lackluster. So short and bland like what the fuck?" Min said, rolling her eyes at the simplicity of the logs.

"What Min over here is trying to say is that your logs are pretty shit, blue man." K.C mockingly laughed, clutching her stomach in a joking manner.

The group stood in some kind of silence after the comments were made, everyone contemplating on what to do next.

"Well, uhm, shall we begin?" Kangsoo said, giddy.

The four merely looked at each other before turning their heads to the blue headed man and nodded simultaneously.


Looks like it's time to go on a little adventure.

I watched as 101 got up from his sitting position and folded up the laptop before placing it in the black backpack of his. Who knows what kind of things he stores in there, considering he's a hacker and such. I can't say much for myself, I mean, my bag is filled with smoke bombs and ropes and such but I mean- Shit, I went on another tangent.

Anyway, what has that portal got in store for us?

"Firing up the portal in three,"

Will it be a fantasy?


Will it be a disaster?


Either way, we all just want to shed blood.


*FanFacts: "FanfictionFacts"

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