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"Anyway, 101, may I have your phone?"

"And why is that?" I said, taking my phone out from my backpack.

"I need to add the RFA app to your phone, duh?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes before snatching away my phone from my hands.

I walked away from the rest of them as Seven asks for the rest of their phones and them giving it to him, albeit reluctantly. After all, he is a hacker, and hackers aren't to be trusted. I should know that.

As I strolled around and I noticed a red and yellow item lying on the floor, almost like it had been thrown haphazardly. Picking it up I realized it was Seven's phone. From further observation, it seems he dropped it as he if he was in a rush of some sort.

'Alright,' I thought 'time to invade some privacy'

I switched the phone on and saw his wallpaper. It was a pitch black screen with the words "I'm sorry" in bold white letters. As I swiped the screen to unlock it, the passcode keypad appeared but before I could even touch the keypad, someone walked into the room making me lock the phone and hide it in my pocket.

"My, my, trying to touch someone's  phone?" Seven said, mockingly sneering at me.

"I was just curious is all"

"Oh really?" he asked, not dropping his aggressive expression.


The silence continued for half a minute before he walked up to me and shoved my phone in my pocket all while grabbing his phone, too.

"Welcome to RFA." He snarled, then it dropped to a cold, hard glare "And you and your friends better not mess with RFA or I'm going to have to deal with all of you. I know assassins and hackers when I see them."

I nodded with a glare of my own, unphased by what he just said. Of course we wouldn't do anything, it wasn't a part of our mission.

He went back to the main room after that.

My device had no passcode (hence him easily accessing it) since I rarely used it; I couldn't risk losing it with important information inside it so it was completely empty. I should probably put on a passcode now though.

Unlocking my phone and fixing the setting, I added a passcode before I opened the RFA app Seven downloaded into my phone.

The display screen came, showing all the features such as 'CALL', 'MESSAGE' and finally I tapped on 'CHATROOM'


101 has logged into the chatroom


Hello, One, glad to see you finally decided to join us.

Who else is in the chatroom?



Welcome to the chatroom, One.

Seven was just about to introduce the members but you already know them, so that's pretty useless.

Glad to see you've actually decided to join our little "friendly" get together.

As you know, I am 707, a hacker.

Are you sure about revealing your identity like that?

They already know

Zen is an actor, you can boogle him

Please don't.

Jumin is the Executive Director of C&R International, and owner of elly~

Jaehee is Jumin's assistant 

You know Yoosung, obviously and as for V, I cannot disclose what he looks like, yet.

That's everyone. I guess it's our turn for our introductions. I'm 101, nice to "meat" you all.

I'm XiN, it's pronounced as 'Sin' and not 'Shin', I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.

K.C's the name, ain't got no other.

If you hope to get our real names, you're hope is useless.

You know me as Min, nothing else.

Oh wow, you're all so secretive like Seven

Yoosung, 101 is literally like 707


You only noticed now? but trust me, I'm far more different than Seven over here.

Oh and did you notice Min and XiN rhyme? It's cute

Cute? CUTE? I'll show you cute! YOu PIeCE OF shdjsbn nfmsdbfus

XiN has left the chatroom

...No comment..

Zen, sorry about her, she's a freak (just like all the others)

I've never seen her freak out like that before.


ZEN has left the chatroom

The actor was creeped out

Probably because you act so weird at times


Everyone is weird, but some people are just misunderstood.

101 has left the chatroom


Sighing, I put the phone back in my bag and took off to where the others were. Seven seemed to be chatting up Yoosung and the others were just sitting around.

"I'm feeling pretty tired." I said, yawning a bit before sitting down on Seven's couch. I removed my bag and clutched it tightly to my side. My eyes drooped and I yawned once again before looking at the time.

 "Now that I mention it, it's time for shut eye, guys."

K.C nodded and motioned for the rest to take place on the couches littered around the main room.

Seven seemed to be sending off Yoosung home, for they both went out of the house. I looked to the others whom already dozed off before closing my eyes and drifting off into the darkness, drowning once again into my nightmares.


After I dropped Yoosung home, I reached my humble abode and saw that the pests had all fallen asleep.

From observing them today, I couldn't find out much. XiN seemed like a very intimidating person, K.C is one of less words, Min was very serious and 101 seems bipolar. That's it from observing them for a couple of hours but it wasn't enough to come to a conclusion of who they actually are. I walked over to the couch that 101 was sitting on and glared at him, he was tightly holding the bag he's been carrying this whole time and sleeping. He looked troubled as if even in his sleep he's wondering something. But I couldn't care less.

Then, I noticed something after looking closely, he had a tattoo on his face of a horizontal colon on the bottom of the right eye. 

Walking over to the others, I notice they all have some kind of tattoo under their right eye. Min had a diamond, K.C had an upside down spade and finally, XiN had a teardrop tattoo. This must be a mark they got for joining their organization. But in all my years of work, I have never seen an organization that appoints different tattoos under the right eye.

I walked up the stairs to my 'hacking quarters' also known as my bedroom and switched off the lights before dozing off myself.

I know dangerous people when I see them, and these people are no joke. They're dangerous, far too dangerous to even make contact with the RFA members and If it means keeping my life on the line to protect the others then so be it.

Glitch || MysMes [EDITING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora