Chapter 1 ;)

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Chapter 1

C u at 10 2nite. M8s going clubbing at the Works and Ill c u there. Luv u bbz xx

A text message from Rio to Phoeniix.

C u 2moz nite at 11. Meet up at Luxe Park at the benches. Luv u bbz xx

A text message from Rio to Tyra.

Tyra and Phoeniix had been good friends since first grade when Tyra threw sand at Phoeniix when she was building a sand castle in the sand pit. They both got told off after Phoeniix kicked Tyra on the knee and both ended up, one on top of the other, Tyra dark brown hair spread about her like a halo and Phoeniix’s flame red locks dangling around her head, punching and beating the crap out of one another. They were best friends ever since.

Ten years later they were dating the same boy. They’re still friends, of course, just friends who make wrong decisions, Phoeniix because she is dating the arsehole; Tyra because she chose the arsehole over her mate.

Phoeniix and Rio had been dating over a year. He’d first asked her out at a group disco to celebrate Bella’s party and it had headed it on from there. They’d been quite big news to begin with; nobody was less well suited as a couple than those too. From the outside they were the dancer and the jock but to anyone who actually knew them, they could not have been less different.

Phoeniix was a smart, strong-opinionated, fiery, red-head.

Rio was sporty, bright and had a good-looking future at the sports college in North London.

To everyone’s surprise they had lasted longer than thought of and the only time they’d had fought was when Phoeniix had missed one of Rio’s matches. Otherwise she was a totally dedicated to her commitment with him. Of course, dedication to a commitment wasn’t quite the best word to use to describe Rio.

Six months after Rio and Phoeniix had started dating, Tyra met him. She knew, of course who he was, but after a late party, with Phoeniix missing on study leave, one thing led to another and, well there they were. To be honest when you look at Rio and Tyra, they seem a lot more suited together. Tyra is cool, vain and cares way too much about what other people think. Rio is cool, vain and cares even more about what people think of him than Tyra does.

Phoeniix as you might have guessed hadn’t found out. One word, trouble.

Isabella, or Bella as we liked to call her, could win the award for Miss Perfect life if there was one. She had perfect results, perfect clothes, a perfect family, and a perfect boyfriend. I often had to copy off her in class if I hadn’t had done my homework.

“Kati, have you done the maths homework yet?” Ella asked from behind Tyra and Phoeniix, her head bobbing between the two.

“Shit,” Kati said plainly. “God, Mr Hussan is gonna kill me! This will be the third time and last chance. I can’t afford to get another detention on my job; I’ve got one last chance on that one too. God, any of you seen Bella?”

“You rang.” Bella said in her bubbly voice, as she sprang up from the right of Amy.

“I need your homework,” at Bella’s reluctant look she got down on her knees in a begging position. “Pleeeeeaaaaaaaasssssseeeeeee Belle! I only need it for the maths, Sir’s gonna kill me if I don’t hand it in; I’ll even get one or to of the answers wrong.”

“Go on Belle, just make her pay for it after,” Phoeniix said lazily.

“Oh thanks!” said Kati, playfully punching Phoeniix in the arm.

Phoeniix shrugged then noticed Rio was at school. She walked over to him and kissed him on the lips. Then he put his arm around her shoulder and they went off to form room. Tyra looked over her shoulder back at them for a minute then walked off in the opposite direction.

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