Chapter 32: breaking in

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Let's try third person and see how that goes.

Lisa walks out of the building with Skylar right on her tracks. Lisa was still sniffing and hiccuping from crying but she tried to keep her posture.

Skylar did side glances and hoped that his cousin wasn't going to cry again.

"Where do you think she is?" He asked getting inside the car.

"Buckle up." She said turning on the engine. "I don't think-I know where she is, she's home."

"At her house? But I already checked there, the doors are locked and the lights are off." He said confused.

Lisa shakes her head and wipes her tears as she backed out and began driving to Stevie's house.

"No no, I know she's there. There's no other place..." Her lips didn't speak again and her mind went dark and hoped that she wasn't to late to save her best friend.

"Lisa." Skylar said getting her attention.

"What." She asked keeping her eyes on the road.

"There's something you're not telling me."

She stayed quiet and didn't say a word.

They made it back to Stevie's home and it was the same as when they left an hour ago.

It was a beautiful home to Skylar and Lisa but inside there was something it held that Lisa knows and something Skylar wasn't sure he was ready for.

Lisa knocks on the door and Skylar checked the Windows but it was quiet inside.

"Stevie." Lisa yelled.

Knock knock knock.

"Come on Stevie please open up." Lisa begged loudly.

"It's me your best friend. You can't shut me out again please." She said banging the door. She felt her eyes burn and tear up.

"Stevie I know you're in there I'll find a way to get in I swear to god Stevie please let me help you." She hit the door again but held it there and leaned her head on the door.

"Stevie....I know you feel alone and terrified but you're not alone...there are people that care about you now and they all love you. Please don't left your angry come out again. It's not your fault baby girl, it's not. You need to see that I'm here for you and so is Skylar. That's what your mum wanted for you. To not be alone anymore." I let my tears fall as I whispered to the door knowing that she's listening.

Lisa knew something that might work to get Stevie to open the door but she knew the consequences for it.

"Stevie I knew all along about your mothers illness and I was the one that helped her with some costing. She didn't want me to tell you anything, worried that you might stop her or get you mad. Please open the door babe. Please. I'm sorry baby girl I'm so sorry." Lisa cried covering her face in the door ashamed of herself.

Skylar watched as her words spilled from her mouth and not sure what to say.He looked at the window and then down to the garden of flowers under the window. Bricks lined around the roses.


Lisa gasped and looks up and notices the window shattered. He clears the way and climbs in. Lisa watches as he opens the door for her but doesn't say a word.

Without questioning it she walks in frantically looking for Stevie.

"Lisa look."

Lisa follows Skylar into the living room and everything was everywhere broken and on the floor.

The couch ripped up and the table shattered.

The tv smashed.
The flower vases on the floor shattered and the flowers ripped up.
Photos smashed and holes in the wall with a hint of something red.
The kitchen was the same story and everywhere In the down stairs area too.

"You think someone broke in?" Skylar asked pissed that he wasn't there to protect Stevie.

"No Stevie did this." She said bluntly as she made her way up the stairs leaving Skylar confused.

Lisa stands outside Stevie's room and was hesitant to open it.

"What's wrong" whispered Skyar.

"I'm scared." She admitted shaking.

"Don't be it's just Stevie." He said looking at the door a bit worried himself.

"Yes it is. Keep that in mind."

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