Chapter 21: lover boy

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I didn't think my mum would be okay with Bella since she was a surprise but she also fell in love with her. So I spent the entire Wednesday getting her more comfortable in the house by placing her bed next to mine and her food and water downstairs and did a little play room in the living room. I played with her and cuddled her as much as I can and was having such a good time with her.

She was clumsy and full of energy and had such a small face it was adorable. She was so tiny I was able to carry her like a baby and she loved it. Since she's a puppy and had a bad past she didn't want to go outside and I don't like going outside so we stayed inside watching movies and showed her all of my Disney movies.

Before I knew it it was already Thursday and I was getting ready to go to the gym and my mum went to work so that ment Bella had to stay home for a couple hours. Hopefully she will be fine.

Before I left I checked myself on the scale.


I gained two pounds.

Heh well that's not good. What did I eat that made this happen. Or maybe I'm not trying hard enough but the pain my in tummy is telling me other wise, I'll try harder today.

I snapped out of my head when I felt something on my foot. I looked down and smiled. I picked her up and kissed her head.

"You're so soft and cute. " I giggled as she licked my chin. "Do you care if I'm fat. Do animals understand that?"

I placed her on my bed and she jumped around wagging her tail.

"I guess not."

"Animals don't usually talk back. But seeing as you never had a pet I guess I understand that you don't."

I turned around and noticed Sky leaning on the door frame with his hands in his pockets. He looks so cool and mysteries it's captivating.

"I understand that dogs can't talk back but that doesn't mean Bella can't understand me."

"Whatever weirdo."

He walks over sits on my bed and grabs Bella.

"Hey Bella. Are you taking care of this kid."

"You're talking to her now."

" she understands me right." He smirks.

I roll my eyes and grab my keys and bag. "I'm ready."

I made sure Bella was good and headed out. I locked the door and checked twice.

All good.


"You're doing really good today."

I controlled my breathing the way he taught me and continued to run on the treadmill.

"Is that a compliment." I wiggled my arms. "That's a first from you, Sky."

"Don't get used to it, kid."

I rolled my eyes.

"Stop calling me kid. I'm not a kid."


"I can easily win this,Devil."

"Shut up kid and run."


"What...shut up."




"Kid I'm warning you.."

"Bearson stop bulling me." I said loud enough for some of the guys around us to hear and those guys happen to be Ted, Josh, Victor, blade, and Mags.

Sky gave me a deadly stare and I just giggled.

"Okay, you're done with running for today now do some arms."

Oops he's not going to let this go. Oh well it was worth it seeing him get all mad.

I started doing some arm workouts and that's when the guys came over.

"Who's Bearson?" Ted asked

"Non of your fucking business." Skylar barked.

"Language." I said trying not to laugh at Skys face.

Skylar rolled his eyes and helped my push a little harder making me quiet and focus on what I'm doing.

"Is that your nickname or something Sky?" Asked Mags. "Can I call you that too or is it just Stevie?"

"I will break your arm if you don't shut it."

"Don't be mean Sky." I said.

"Don't worry Sky only your girlfriend can say it we won't say nothing." Said victor laughing.

"I'm not his girlfriend." I announced blushing furiously.

"Well it seems lover boy here isn't denying it." Victor said pointing a finger at Sky who was in deep thought but was glaring at victor.

"Don't tease him victor." I said.

"Come on Bearson, Admit it." Victor provoked.

Something snapped in Sky and before I can blink Sky was on him punching his face and all hell broke lose. it took 4 guys to remove Sky from victor. And a lot of the guys in the gym came to stop the fight or see the outcome

I brought my arms towards my chest and tried to back away at the process hitting my arm and legs to the machine. I couldn't remove my eyes from the scene.

"Stop, stop!" I yelled but it was lost in the ocean of manly yells.

I've never seen Skylar so angry and that scared me so much.

"Stevie are you okay?" Asked mags shaking my shoulders.

"I-i i." I stuttered and when the guys finally separated, victor was all beat up and Skylar looked a bit cut up but seemed fine.

I did the one thing I know best and that was leave. I ran as fast as I can and I heard people calling my name but that made me run faster. I didn't stop running and feeling the pain everywhere felt strangely good.

I made it home breathing heavy and unlocked my house and ran in locking it again.

I started to shake and I rubbed my bruised arms. It was a dumb comment and I just don't understand why he got so upset about it.

I heard tiny barking and walked towards the sweet sound.

"Hey fuzz ball." I evened out my voice picking up Bella and taking her to my room on my bed. I was drained and I just wanted to sleep. I needed to forget.

New chapter yay. And hello readers

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