Chapter 30: hey cuz

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Skylars pov:

Hey kid where are you?

I swear I go easy on that kid one time and now she thinks she can be late for a session.

I checked her house but no one was home. So I just went to the gym to check if she was there already but no.

This is bullshit. I'll break her.

If you don't answer my text or calls watch what happens!

I clench my hands and check my phone for any new messages and nothing.

It's already 11 am. She missed gym day, that's a first and it better be the last.


I look up hoping it was her but it was just the annoying people.

"What do you guys want?" I said annoyed.

"Where's Stevie it's out of place for her to miss gym day." Josh said.

"I don't know I've called her and messaged her but I didn't get a reply."

"Maybe she's out of town or something came up." Mags said.

"I don't know.." I was thinking of places she may possibly be at and thought Lisa's house.

I got up and walked away groaning.

"Where are you going." Josh shouted.


"What are you doing here cuz?"

"Where is she." I said getting right to the point.

"Who?" She asked.

"What do you mean who, Stevie is she here?" I asked pushing her aside as I looked around.

"What? No of course not." She asked confused.

"I haven't seen her all morning and didn't reply to my messages or calls." I said looking around frantic.

"Did you check her house?"

"Of course I have. But nothing."

Lisa started to fiddle with her hands and looked around unsure of what to do.

"Where do you think she would be?"

"I thought here but I guess not."

"Maybe she's just with her mum doing something." She said touching her hair.

I didn't think of that. She seems close with her mum and Maybe wants to spend time with her.

"Yeah maybe but she should at least tell me." I said fixing my hair.

"You must really like her a lot if she got you all worried." She teased.

"You know I do Dumbass." I said blushing.

"Awwww I'm happy for you cuz." Lisa said hugging me.

"When are you going to tell her that you've secretly liked her since our middle school graduation."

"Never. Makes me sound like a creep." I said shaking my head.

"You were 21." She said waving her hands.

"And you guys were 13."

"No we were 14."

"Big difference."

"Well now she's 17. It's okay to Like her and to tell her." She said smiling.

"You're okay with your 24 year old cousin to date your best friend." I said smirking.

"Sure it's whatever makes her happy." She said smiling looking away. 

"Okay thanks."

She pats my chest and then tells me to get out because she needed  to go to work and I nodded.

I better get a call from that girl tomorrow.


Short but look I did Skylars point of view 😁 it's messy I know.

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