chapter 10: What a lovely surprise...

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"Great," I said "Now leave."

My mom would be arriving home at any minute and I didn't want her to meeting skylar so soon. With an attitude and potty mouth like his, it would give her a heart attack.

As I was pushing him out of my room, down the stairs, and to the door I heard him scoff and I imagined him rolling his eyes.

"As if I want to stay here any longer than I have to be, kid." Right when he said that he stopped walking.

"Hey! What does that suppose to mea- mom. What a lovely surprise. You're back from work."

When we made it to the front of the door my mom was already setting down her keys and hat.

"Well of course. That's what happens at the end of the day sweetheart." she said with a small laugh.

I waited for her to continue speaking. To say something about the stranger in our house. But instead I watched her put her bags down, removed her sweater and locked the door. Only then did she finally turned to me and spoke.

"Now explain to me who this man is and why he is in my house."

It caught me off guard how quickly she asked about skylar I didn't know exactly what to say.

Hey mom this is skylar and he's the one who's going to help me lose weight by the end of the summer. He is very rude and intimidating and has a bad potty mouth and is very mean to me for I don't know for what reason but look how hot he is.. did I mention that he's satan..

To my surprise, Skylar swiftly grasped my mothers hand and kissed it lightly and answered her question instead.

"Hi, my name is Skylar. It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am. I got her a few minutes ago to talk to your daughter about the summer training and what exactly the plan is. But I must say you look far to young to be a mother of a teenager. Your must be at least 27 years old and can pass off as her older sister."

Did he just...

I scoffed at his response. He really thinks he can win my mother over like that? My mom is far to smart for things like that.

"My what a gentleman. My name is Louise, but you can call me Lou. You must be the young man my daughter was talking about. She never mentioned how extremely gorgeous you are and nice too."

Skylar is anything but nice.

My mother turned to me. "Stevie don't be rude. Be a dear and make our guest some tea."

She can't be serious. I blushed and nodded my head. Well looks like my mom is blinded by his charms to notice he is a mean person faking his niceness.

Skylar sent me a sinister smirk when my mom was busy checking something on her phone.

"Its quite alright Lou. It's getting late and I want Stevie to get some good nights rest for tomorrow. I'll be seeing you soon though and I'll promise to have a cup of tea with you then. Thank you for inviting me to your lovely home."

"More like you invited yourself in." I mumbled.

"Oh how wonderful I cant wait. Maybe then I'll ask for you to explain this summer training for me. It's not often Stevie makes new friends and visits them over. She's quite the shy thing. Always locking herself in her room or staying close to Lisa never saying a single word to anybody until know. It's refreshing to see her meeting someone new. Don't you think?"

I can feel my face getting warm. She didn't have to say that to him. How embarrassing. He probably thinks I'm weird and a loser.

He laughs and agrees to her arrangement. With a last good bye he left with a fake smile. And I let everything sink in.

What. A. Faker.

My mom excused her herself to her room to get some rest and that I should do the same. Well I guess I am getting tired.


When I laid back down in bed finally getting comfy again my phone goes off notifying me that I got a message.

'Be ready at 8 o'clock sharp.I'll be picking you up. And you better not make me fucking wait or I swear to god I won't help you anymore. GOT IT!'

Okay well he's back to his grumpy ways. I groaned and sent a quick reply and set my alarm to 7:30 am. and laid my head down on my comfy pillow.

I stared at my ceiling and started to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow only gods know I'll need it. I breathed in and out.

Okay I'm doing this to look skinny, I'm doing this to look skinny, to get thin thighs, a flat tummy, thin arms, sharp cheek bones, a collar bone, for Andrew Griffin....

In a few months I'll finally look beautiful.


its a slow update. But its getting there.

there will be new chapters coming soon.

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